The Southern Border Is a Hybrid War Zone

The Southern Border Is a Hybrid War Zone
Lugging gallon jugs of water, illegal immigrants thread their way along footpaths just north of the Mexico/Arizona border. The numbers of illegal immigrants who have perished trying to cross the southern Arizona desert has reached an historic high this year. (Don Bartletti/Los Angeles Times)
Austin Bay

The March 12 incident at the Paso Del Norte International Bridge between El Paso, Texas, and Juárez, Mexico, confirms the U.S.–Mexico border is once again a war zone. It’s an outrage that demonstrates the United States is currently under continuous hybrid war assault.

The hybrid war’s current weapons are deadly drugs (fentanyl), human trafficking (to include child sex and work slavery), migrants sapping social welfare dollars budgeted for deprived U.S. citizens, and noncitizens voting illegally.

Illegal votes equal hijacked U.S. elections.

Don’t exclude these horrors: enemies evading border controls to spread infectious diseases and terrorists masked as illegal aliens who use porous and undefended borders to enter the United States and embed as “sleeper agents” for future enemy action.

Video cameras on the Mexican side captured the human wave assault’s initial surge. A swarming thousand—overwhelmingly male—funnels into the bridge and below a sign reading “Feliz Viaje” (bon voyage) attempt to physically overrun security personnel and break into the United States.

The personnel the mob would crush and stomp: Border Patrol agents and local and state police—blue-collar U.S. citizens with badges suddenly outnumbered 10 to 1 and defending the United States from invasion.

A justified question: If the U.S. security personnel under human wave assault had fired a shot, would President Joe Biden have called them bigoted racists?

In 2021, Biden excoriated innocent Border Patrol agents who were deployed on horseback with leftist epithets for reining their horses, and not “whipping” illegal Haitian immigrants, as was initially reported. But Biden condemned his own police and promised they’d “pay” for ... doing their job responsibly and with restraint.

Apparently, no shots were fired on March 12. Media report U.S. and Mexican security officers used their physical presence (their bodies) to stop the human wave.

U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) told Fox News Digital that Mexican drug cartel propaganda spurred the attack. He said the crowd had heard that March 12 was the “Day of the Migrants.” They would be “allowed in the United States via the port of entry.”

The mob “essentially overran the port, at least on the Mexican side,” he said. “Disinformation just gets spun and it becomes a dangerous situation for everybody.”

Disinformation happens a lot in America. The chief culprit is leftist media corruption. Evidence: three years of Hillary Clinton’s “RussiaRussiaRussia” lies that won a Pulitzer Prize.

Gonzales, who added that Biden needs to “show action” on the border, and not just “words” to address the crisis, also wants to “label cartels as terrorist organizations.”

They are terrorists, but they are also enemy allies in a broader war. I called the March 12 incident an act of hybrid war. Various media reports claim Mexican drug cartels perpetrated the Day of the Migrants lie. The bridge assault would distract American security so cartel operatives could smuggle drugs and people in undefended border sectors.

Here’s a hint as to the big enemy: An unarmed 1,000-man rush invasion is somewhat comparable to China’s sea militia schtick—poor, unarmed fishermen claiming fishing rights in Filipino waters. Unarmed men provide plausible deniability and a feel-sorry story that bribed media propagandists will tout as evidence of capitalist callousness or racism.

In June 2019, reported that nongovernmental organizations that support unrestricted migration into America had cooperated with Mexican cartels to bring illegal aliens into the United States. Moreover, in the 1990s, Chinese syndicates nicknamed “snakeheads” began moving “illegals in large numbers” into North America.

“Nearly three decades later, the mechanics of these international people smuggling operations were well known and when the conditions were right, the international angle showed up again.”

Right: communist China. China is the world’s primary source of fentanyl. Beijing either ships directly to the United States or smuggles it via Mexico.

In 2017, the National Interest sardonically called China’s strategy the “Reverse Opium War.” From 1839 to 1842, China’s Qing dynasty went to war with Britain to stop the Brits from selling opium in China. The drug threatened Chinese social cohesion.

Illegal entrance into the United States violates just laws that protect U.S. citizens. Trafficking illegal drugs is criminal. From April 2020 to April 2021, more than 100,000 Americans died of drug overdoses, and fentanyl was involved in two-thirds of the deaths.

That isn’t just an attack on social cohesion. That’s mass murder.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Austin Bay is a colonel (ret.) in the U.S. Army Reserve, author, syndicated columnist, and teacher of strategy and strategic theory at the University of Texas–Austin. His latest book is “Cocktails from Hell: Five Wars Shaping the 21st Century.”
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