The Sordid History of the Minimum Wage

The Sordid History of the Minimum Wage
Service Employees International Union members celebrate after California Gov. Jerry Brown signed minimum wage legislation SB 3 into law in Los Angeles on April 4, 2016. David McNew/Getty Images
Jeffrey A. Tucker

Twenty-two states have increased the minimum wage beyond the federal level of $7.25, which hasn’t increased since 2009. The new rates in many states are $15. But as many commentators have pointed out, the increase won’t affect too many workers, since most people in those states already earn more than that. And this raises a foundational point: What is the purpose of the minimum wage if it is essentially non-operational for most low-wage workers?

The answer: It’s to continue to keep marginal workers with less experience out of the market. This is why labor unions love the minimum wage. It reduces labor-market competition. A huge swath of workers, particular young workers looking for their first jobs, are thereby excluded from entering the markets.

This fact is widely understood by economists, and how could it not be? The minimum wage is a price floor, and price floors create surpluses by stopping the market from clearing, in this case a surplus of laborers who would work but are forbidden from doing so by law.

From most of the second half of the 20th century, labor force participation in the age group from 16 to 19 was 60 percent. Today it is 36 percent.

(Data: Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED), St. Louis Fed; Chart: Jeffrey A. Tucker)
(Data: Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED), St. Louis Fed; Chart: Jeffrey A. Tucker)

You could believe that this is a good thing. It isn’t. Young people are being denied super valuable marketplace experience, which affects everything from their knowledge of business to their work ethic to their ability to deal with the public and all the exigencies of the human personality. The minimum wage is hardly the only reason for the shift, but it does work as a deterrent to getting that first job.

This is usually chalked up as an unintended consequence of government action. There is no evidence, however, that it’s unintended. It was always the intention, even from the earliest years of the 20th century when minimum wages were first proposed.

The whole idea of the minimum wage was to exclude people from the workforce. Worse, it was meant to starve the undesirable populations out of mainstream life. This is the dream and ambition that was made very obvious from the writings of its earliest proponents.

This shouldn’t surprise you in the slightest. Let’s say your community passed a law that said no house in this town can be bought or sold for less than $300,000. You would naturally assume the motivation: trying to skew the market toward homes for the well-to-do while driving out smaller and less fancy places. That’s pretty obvious. It’s no different from a law that says no one can work for less than $15.

The dark history shows a more malevolent motivation. A careful look at its history shows that the minimum wage was originally conceived as part of a eugenics strategy—an attempt to engineer a master race through public policy designed to cleanse the citizenry of undesirables. To that end, the state would have to bring about the isolation, sterilization, and extermination of nonprivileged populations.

The eugenics movement—almost universally supported by the scholarly and popular press in the first decades of the 20th century—came about as a reaction to the dramatic demographic changes of the latter part of the 19th century. Incomes rose and lifetimes had expanded like never before in history. Such gains applied to all races and classes. Infant mortality collapsed.

All of this was due to a massive expansion of markets, technology, and trade, and it changed the world. It meant a dramatic increase in population among all groups. The great unwashed masses were living longer and reproducing faster.

This trend worried the white ruling class in most European countries and in the United States. As John Carey documented in “Intellectuals and the Masses” (1992), all the founders of modern literary culture—from H.G. Wells to T.S. Eliot—loathed the new prosperity and variously spoke out on behalf of extermination and racial cleansing to put an end to newly emerging demographic trends. As Wells summed up, “The extravagant swarm of new births was the essential disaster of the nineteenth century.”
The eugenics movement, as an application of the principle of the “planned society,” was deeply hostile to free markets. As the New Republic summarized in a 1916 editorial: “Imbecility breeds imbecility as certainly as white hens breed white chickens; and under laissez-faire imbecility is given full chance to breed, and does so in fact at a rate far superior to that of able stocks.”
To counter the trends, states and the national government began to implement policies designed to support “superior” races and classes and discourage procreation of the “inferior” ones. As explained in Edwin Black’s 2003 book, “War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race,” the goal as regards women and children was exclusionist, but as regards nonwhites, it was essentially exterminationist. The chosen means weren’t firing squads and gas chambers, but the more peaceful and subtle methods of sterilization, exclusion from jobs, and coercive segregation.

It was during this period and for this reason that we saw the first trial runs of the minimum wage in Massachusetts in 1912. The new law pertained only to women and children as a measure to disemploy them and other “social dependents” from the labor force. Even though the measure was small and not well-enforced, it did indeed reduce employment among the targeted groups.

To understand why this wasn’t seen as a failure, take a look at the first modern discussions of the minimum wage appearing in the academic literature. Most of these writings would have been completely forgotten but for a seminal 2005 article in the Journal of Economic Perspectives by Thomas C. Leonard.

Mr. Leonard documents an alarming series of academic articles and books appearing between the 1890s and the 1920s that were remarkably explicit about a variety of legislative attempts to squeeze people out of the workforce. These articles were not written by marginal figures or radicals but by the leaders of the profession, the authors of the great textbooks, and the opinion leaders who shaped public policy.

“Progressive economists, like their neoclassical critics,” Mr. Leonard explains, “believed that binding minimum wages would cause job losses. However, the progressive economists also believed that the job loss induced by minimum wages was a social benefit, as it performed the eugenic service of ridding the labor force of the ‘unemployable.’”

At least the eugenicists, for all their pseudo-scientific blathering, were not naïve about the effects of wage floors. They knew that the minimum wage excludes workers—and they favored it precisely because such wage floors drive people out of the job market. People without jobs cannot prosper and are thereby discouraged from reproducing. Minimum wages were designed specifically to purify the demographic landscape of racial inferiors and to keep women at the margins of society.

The famed Fabian socialist Sidney Webb was as blunt as anyone in his 1912 article “The Economic Theory of the Minimum Wage”: “Legal Minimum Wage positively increases the productivity of the nation’s industry, by ensuring that the surplus of unemployed workmen shall be exclusively the least efficient workmen; or, to put it in another way, by ensuring that all the situations shall be filled by the most efficient operatives who are available.”

And it gets worse. Webb wrote:

“What would be the result of a Legal Minimum Wage on the employer’s persistent desire to use boy labor, girl labor, married women’s labor, the labor of old men, of the feeble-minded, of the decrepit and broken-down invalids and all the other alternatives to the engagement of competent male adult workers at a full Standard Rate? ... To put it shortly, all such labor is parasitic on other classes of the community, and is at present employed in this way only because it is parasitic.”

Further, Webb avers: “The unemployable, to put it bluntly, do not and cannot under any circumstances earn their keep. What we have to do with them is to see that as few as possible of them are produced.”

Though Webb was writing about the experience in the United Kingdom, and his focus was on keeping the lower classes from flourishing, his views weren’t unusual. The same thinking was alive in the U.S. context, but race, not class, became the decisive factor.

Henry Rogers Seager of Columbia University, and later president of the American Economic Association, laid it all out in “The Theory of the Minimum Wage” as published in the American Labor Legislation Review in 1913: “The operation of the minimum wage requirement would merely extend the definition of defectives to embrace all individuals, who even after having received special training, remain incapable of adequate self-support.”

Further, he wrote, “If we are to maintain a race that is to be made up of capable, efficient and independent individuals and family groups we must courageously cut off lines of heredity that have been proved to be undesirable by isolation or sterilization.”

Isolation and sterilization of less desirable population groups are a form of slow-motion extermination. The minimum wage was part of that agenda. That was its purpose and intent.

The opinion makers of 100 years ago weren’t shy about saying so. The policy was an important piece of weaponry in their eugenic war against non-elite population groups.

Princeton University’s Royal Meeker was Woodrow Wilson’s commissioner of labor. “It is much better to enact a minimum-wage law even if it deprives these unfortunates of work,” Meeker argued in 1910. “Better that the state should support the inefficient wholly and prevent the multiplication of the breed than subsidize incompetence and unthrift, enabling them to bring forth more of their kind.”
Frank Taussig, who was otherwise a good economist, asked in his bestselling textbook “Principles of Economics” (1911): “How to deal with the unemployable?” They “should simply be stamped out,” he stated. “We have not reached the stage where we can proceed to chloroform them once and for all; but at least they can be segregated, shut up in refuges and asylums, and prevented from propagating their kind.”

One hundred years ago, legislating a price floor on wages was a policy deliberately conceived to impoverish the lower classes and the undesirables, and thereby to disincentivize their reproduction. A polite gulag.

As time went on, the blood lust of the eugenics movement died down, but the persistence of its minimum wage policies did not. A national minimum wage passed in 1931 with the Davis-Bacon Act. It required that firms receiving federal contracts pay prevailing wages, which meant union wages, a principle that later became a national minimum wage.

Speeches in support of the law were explicit about the fear that black workers were undercutting the demands of white-only unions. The minimum wage was a fix: It made it impossible to work for less. The sordid history of the minimum wage law is harrowing in its intent but, at least, realistic about what wage floors actually do. They stop upward mobility.

Whatever the intentions, the effects are still the same. It doesn’t raise wages for the poor. It excludes them from the job market. It takes away from marginal populations their most important power in the job market: the power to work for less. It cartelizes the labor market by allowing higher-wage groups access while excluding lower-wage groups.

It was no different a century ago from how it is today. At least they were honest about it. A higher minimum wage entrenches a problem that has long existed: the exclusion of marginal workers from the workforce. That benefits existing workers by artificially raising their wages due to supply restriction. Favor that if you want to, but don’t pretend it’s good for the poor.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Jeffrey A. Tucker
Jeffrey A. Tucker
Jeffrey A. Tucker is the founder and president of the Brownstone Institute and the author of many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press, as well as 10 books in five languages, most recently “Liberty or Lockdown.” He is also the editor of “The Best of Ludwig von Mises.” He writes a daily column on economics for The Epoch Times and speaks widely on the topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture. He can be reached at [email protected]
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