• Wear masks everywhere, including outside (while ignoring their relative ineffectiveness and also the hazards to children of wearing them over time). • Practice social distancing everywhere (arbitrary distancing requirements). • Implement total lockdowns and stay-at-home policies to “flatten the curve”—a public relations euphemism that has magically disappeared as a stated public health goal. • Recommend vaccinations/injections to stop the spread, despite no long-term human trials or legal remedies for adverse reactions. Furthermore, Rochelle Walensky, the U.S. CDC director, has stated that “vaccines no longer prevent you from spreading COVID.” • Press vaccines for demographic groups not at risk, including children who are at virtually zero risk of death from the virus. • Suppress discussion of natural immunity in favor of vaccines/injections. This includes mandating injections for those who contracted the virus and have long-term antibodies as a result. • Suppress discussion of early treatment protocols using existing therapeutic drugs. • Suppress all public reporting of adverse reactions to vaccines/injections (one example reported here). • Insist that the zoonotic theory of the virus origins was correct (despite much contrary evidence as noted here, here, here, here, here, and here); conversely, deny the lab leak theory at all costs. • Ridicule, shame, and ostracize any and all who deviate from the above orthodoxy, especially independent doctors and physicians who have successfully saved lives using protocols associated with hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, quercetin, monoclonal antibodies, azithromycin, zinc, and other therapeutic drugs and medicines. • Most of all, propagate and reinforce fear in the minds of everyone in order to force adherence to the above messaging.
Has there been a dime’s worth of difference between the virus messaging of state-controlled Chinese media and the U.S. legacy media? Not that is discernible to careful observers. But the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) goes further in its virus-related messaging. Despite the general debunking of the points in the above media narrative, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs cleverly denies their virus agitprop: “Spreading disinformation about the epidemic is indeed spreading a ‘political virus,’“ the ministry told The Associated Press. ”False information is the common enemy of mankind, and China has always opposed the creation and spread of false information,” it said.That phrase “false information is the common enemy of mankind” is the ultimate in CCP hypocrisy, as virtually everything spun by Chinese state-run media is a lie.

Beijing’s Psychological Warfare
The CCP’s virus messaging is an element of the Chinese strategy of Three Warfares, which includes concurrent psychological, media, and legal components. The strategy was officially “endorsed by the CCP Central Committee and the Central Military Commission in 2003.” During the pandemic, there has been far too much focus on the media component of the CCP narratives when the real danger is associated with the CCP’s psychological objectives. The media agitprop objectives are fairly obvious: shift blame for the virus away from China, push false Chinese altruism and benevolence (medical supplies for modest profits), create the illusion that China has “solved the virus problem,” demand multilateral cooperation under Chinese leadership to counter the virus worldwide, “get vaccinated,” etc.The psychological goals are hidden and much subtler. A key element of psychological warfare is the demoralization of decision makers and especially targeted populations. Fear of death, economic lockdowns, the “new normal” of masks and social distancing ad infinitum, the transition from “two shots” to periodic (and seemingly unlimited) booster injections, and arbitrary authoritarian measures that have been implemented and changed willy-nilly over time are weighing heavily on the collective psyche of populations around the world.

Perhaps the most important psychological component of the CCP’s Three Warfares virus campaign is the conditioning of people who are otherwise unaccustomed to authoritarian measures of control, especially in their personal lives. There has long been tension between federal and state governments promising to deliver safety and security and the American people, who wish to preserve their hard-fought individual freedoms and liberties preserved by the U.S. Constitution.
The CCP is heavily investing in a Three Warfares campaign that exploits the pandemic to achieve their objectives worldwide. The psychological “softening up” of America in particular in getting people to accept the arbitrary authoritarian dictates of an amorphous, nameless, and faceless government is a key objective of the CCP’s ongoing campaign to demoralize and condition people for future exploitation and control by the CCP.Individual freedoms and liberties are anathema to CCP control and must be vigorously defended at all costs—or else lost possibly forever. That means fighting and defeating unconstitutional mandates and directives by governments, as well as those same governments forcing businesses to implement those mandates.