The Personal Tragedies of the Lockdown Years

The Personal Tragedies of the Lockdown Years
A driver holds out a sign as hundreds of people gather to protest the lockdown in spite of shelter-in-place rules still being in effect at California's state capitol building in Sacramento, Calif., on April 20, 2020. Josh Edelson/AFP via Getty Images
Jeffrey A. Tucker

Here at Porcfest, a week-long celebration of freedom in New Hampshire, there are many hubs of activities, with talks and sessions all day every day, and a central campfire near the pavilion each night. Close by is the large tent for Brownstone Institute where we have had talks and discussions all day and evening.

One of the most interesting sessions was simply to have an open microphone for people to tell their COVID stories. Each one is powerful and tragic. These have been neglected by media people. Even today they are mostly untold. This is because vast numbers of people in establishment organs continue to pretend that the pandemic response and vaccines were all glorious achievements.

The lockdown years achieved nothing for public health. Claims otherwise are complete rubbish. It makes those who have suffered so much during three years and three months feel as if no one cares. We are trying to do our part to give them a voice.

A woman last night told of her mentor at work, a much older man, who had become something of a father figure in her life and career. In the spring of 2021, he came down very ill and was taken to the hospital. She of course was not allowed to visit him. He died alone, as did so many others during these years.

Then time came for the funeral. It was announced by his immediate family that only vaccinated people could attend. The person telling the story had not been vaccinated. She pleaded for the opportunity to say goodbye to her friend. The family debated the question but one of the deceased’s children, about 40 years old, refused to allow it. She said it was because she had young children and didn’t want them to get COVID.

As a result, she could not attend the funeral. She was further banned from the graveside service. She had to wait until days later to go visit by herself.

It’s a small story but the impact on her life was enormous. She had worked with this man for decades and merely wanted closure with this untimely death. She was denied it based on a strange perception that by having refused the vaccine she was somehow a dangerous spreader of disease.

She was declared by government and media to be unclean. This nonsense spread throughout the population and reverberated in communities and families all over the country.

It’s hard to imagine a more dangerous lie to grip a population. No society can thrive under the belief that half the people are clean and the other half unclean based entirely on the willingness of people to enlist in an experiment with a new drug designed to deal with a disease that was never a threat to healthy children and working-age adults.

What’s worse, the vaccines could not actually stop anyone from getting or spreading COVID. COVID was always known to be among the viruses that mutate very quickly. That means that a vaccine could never be effective in stopping infection. This has been known for many decades and constitutes a kind of first lesson of infectious disease.

I certainly knew it from March 2020 (and I’m no expert!) and so immediately dismissed in my mind the idea that a vaccine would end the pandemic. It could never have happened. My knowledge was hardly arcane. It was drawn from thousands of public sources and basic understanding of how vaccines work.

What’s even more remarkable is that we have new evidence that Rochelle Walensky and the entire crew at the CDC knew this for sure from at least January 2021 as the vaccines were being rolled out to the general public. The paper was published by the Journal of the American Medical Association. “The number and positioning of these mutations immediately raised concerns among vaccine researchers,” the report said. “New data show that those concerns were not misplaced.”

Already Walensky was emailing others within the NIH about what was then being called “breakthrough infections.”

In other words, we now have clear evidence that the people behind the vaccine mandates and the constant claims at the time that the vaccine would stop infection and transmission knew that this was not the case.

The mutations in the virus had been seen in the pathogen since its first sequencing. The vaccine pertained to a version of the virus that was already on its way out, so it simply made no sense to make such preposterous claims. Millions took them anyway. One shot. Two. Three. Four. A “bivalent” booster and so on.

This very likely unleashed antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) which amounts to a rewiring of natural immunity, making the body more vulnerable to other infections. Again, they were warned about this all along. Many were injured. Many died. We are nowhere near the point of being able to assess the long-term damage of these shots on the population.

It’s one thing for the CDC to have unknowingly spread false information during this period. It’s another thing entirely to have knowingly spread false information. That’s exactly why they did it. And why? We can only guess but it makes sense that this has something to do with the desires of the pharmaceutical manufacturers and also the bureaucratic armies that were enjoying their bullying power over the population.

The shot mandates never served any real public-health purpose. They were brutal and displaced more than a million at least within professional life. Recall that the Biden administration wanted them imposed by force on every business in the United States. Fortunately the courts intervened but they went ahead for the military, health-care facilities, and transport, at grave cost to human health and dignity.

It’s the private stories like the one above that affect us most deeply. I’m sure that you know of many such stories. You probably have one yourself. Collateral Global is collecting stories from around the world right now. You can add yours here. Please do. The media is not covering this (Epoch aside) and politicians are pretending like nothing happened.

This was the tragedy of all of our lives and our voices need to be heard, both for personal healing and also as a warning to the future. As for restoring trust in government agencies and vaccine companies in our lifetimes, I’m just going to say it: that will not happen. It’s gone.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Jeffrey A. Tucker
Jeffrey A. Tucker
Jeffrey A. Tucker is the founder and president of the Brownstone Institute and the author of many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press, as well as 10 books in five languages, most recently “Liberty or Lockdown.” He is also the editor of “The Best of Ludwig von Mises.” He writes a daily column on economics for The Epoch Times and speaks widely on the topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture. He can be reached at [email protected]
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