The Outrageous Response to ‘It’s Okay to Be White’ Poll

The Outrageous Response to ‘It’s Okay to Be White’ Poll
Adam B. Coleman

The people who are the easiest to propagandize are the ones who believe they’re incapable of being manipulated. Their hubris allows them to overlook signs of deception, and their unwillingness to be skeptical of what tickles their confirmation bias ultimately becomes their downfall.

The anti-critical race theory movement push during 2021 recognized that there were problems within public schools as they were pushing racially negative rhetoric directed at white people and the perpetuation of victim narratives directed at minorities. But they weren’t prepared for the psychological creation of actual racial resentment due to sustained racial attacks.

The goal of critical race theory is to make all Americans constantly racially aware and to view the world through a racial lens. From the leftist perspective, all decisions should have racial identity taken into consideration so that “positive discrimination” can be adequately applied. But to achieve this, they need nonbelievers to become racially radicalized as well.

The mistake that people make is that they believe that in order to become racially aware, you have to willfully accept neo-Marxist concepts, but you can make people more racially aware by making them the target as well, creating a new victim class.

This tactic creates exactly the outcome they want: It makes some white people see being white as increasingly more important than before because they’re now under attack. If they can notice being white more often, they have no choice but to notice everyone else’s race as well.

The more they can trick you into proudly proclaiming your white identity, the easier it is to make you the scapegoat for more leftist indoctrination.

In the attempt to fight indoctrination, some who are part of the anti-woke movement have radicalized themselves and become targets that the leftists can use to galvanize others to fight against.

One of the reasons why the woke’s narratives didn’t always land was because the prevalence of actual racist events was few and far between. But the long-game strategy was always to manufacture enemies by relentlessly attacking a specific demographic and inevitably causing an overreaction filled with racial resentment.

I believe that we’re in another phase of the culture war where some of our moral warriors who have been fighting against illogical and racist indoctrination have unprincipledly embraced white victimhood and are seeking out an oppressor to blame for their identitarian transition.

In a new Rasmussen poll involving 1,000 participants, they asked respondents if they agreed with the statement “It’s OK to be white,” providing the options to agree, disagree, or claim neutrality with a “not sure” response. Immediately, the results of this poll created controversy because people focused on the 47 percent of black respondents who indicated that they disagreed with the statement or were “not sure.”

Many right-wing figures became incensed about this poll and its potential implications while never applying any form of scrutiny to the poll. Instead, they immediately translated it as millions of black people in America hate white people, all to feed the white victim narrative and confirm their suspicions and biases.

The rush to conclude abundant racial hatred by black Americans directed at white Americans made them overlook key details about this poll, starting with the participants. Out of 1,000 people polled, only 130 were black, which means the 47 percent percent of black respondents who indicated they disagreed with the statement or were “not sure” were 61 in total; that’s it.

This means that some right-wing influencers made inflammatory accusations of racial animosity about millions of black people because of a single low-participant poll.

And how about the statement “It’s OK to be white”? It’s a loaded statement to ask people, and many may be confused by it, assuming that it’s referencing something they’re unfamiliar with. If we’re being objective, it’s an uncommon statement to poll people about, making it possible for respondents to assume it means something nefarious.

What I think many don’t understand about some leftist strategies is that they want the political right to react emotionally. It’s why they become increasingly more extreme and ridiculous because they know it will cause an equally ridiculous and irrational reaction.

The ultimate objective is to make you just as racially aware, sensitive, and paranoid as they are. And it doesn’t matter if you become an antiracist or not: They’re glad if you join them, but regardless they’ll make great use of you as an irrational enemy.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Adam B. Coleman is the author of “Black Victim to Black Victor” and founder of Wrong Speak Publishing. Follow him on
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