If China’s economic growth takes a nosedive, then Xi Jinping could find himself forcibly removed from office, according to Michael Shoebridge, a well-respected security expert.
There is no shortage of people, both inside China and outside, who would love to see Xi and the CCP overthrown. One of those people is a man by the name of Guo Wengui. His plan to bring down the CCP is odd; it involves cryptocurrency.
The goal of the coin is simple: to one day, in the not-so-distant future, replace the Chinese yuan.
However, ABC also quoted Aaron Lane, a lawyer and crypto expert. Quick to pour water on Je’s claims, Lane said there was “absolutely no chance” this valuation could be correct. Intimately familiar with crypto-related cons, Lane warned readers that HCoin has “the hallmarks of a cryptocurrency scam.”
As someone who has been involved in the world of crypto for many years, I side with Lane. There is no chance that HCoin will replace the yuan. Like 99.9 percent of all cryptocurrencies that come into existence, it will fizzle out, scamming a few poor suckers in the process. This is how the world of crypto operates. For every decent project, there are a dozen or more questionable ones.
More importantly, it will take more than one man and one cryptocurrency to topple the CCP. For the CCP to be defeated, the people of China must rise up. If the CCP continues down this path of “zero-COVID” lunacy, maybe they will.

Desperate People Do Desperate Things
Norman Borlaug, a renowned agronomist, famously said: “You can’t build peace on empty stomachs.”No, but you can build inordinate amounts of rage and resentment.
Starvation drives people to extremes, making them do things unimaginable to the well-fed. Right now, in Shanghai, many people are starving. A city of 26 million people finds itself in complete lockdown. People are losing their minds. The suffering is immense.
He’s right. Hungry mouths create hateful minds.
“A government that fails to feed the people,” wrote Sarin, “has lost all legitimacy.”
Again, Sarin is spot on. The fact that the CCP is prepared to let its people starve, all in the hope of “curbing” the latest COVID outbreak, paints the most disturbing of pictures.
And it’s not just Chinese citizens who are suffering. Shanghai is home to more than 160,000 foreigners. One of them happens to be a very close friend, a man I attended university with. I recently spoke with him, and he filled me in on the horrors that he and his colleagues are experiencing.
“Zero-COVID” policies make zero sense; the CCP may or may not know this, but the people of China, especially those living in Shanghai, certainly do. Shutting down a city with three times the population of New York City will have a profound impact on the country, both psychologically and economically.
The world’s most populous country is on the brink. HCoin won’t bring down the CCP, but the people of China just might.