The aggressive and expansionist actions of the Chinese Communists (ChiComs) over the past several decades are part of a grand plan to return China to its historical prominence as a world leader—this time under communist control.
Since the end of the Cultural Revolution in 1976, communist China has implemented an intricate long-range strategy aimed at dominating all spheres of human endeavors. Part of that strategy involves being opportunistic when circumstances warrant, both in response to events beyond Chinese control, but also for those opportunities created through direct ChiCom manipulation—and instigation—of world events.
Opportunism might seem to be standard fare for any nation-state: to mold current events, crises, natural disasters, foreign wars, and other calamities and circumstances to its collective benefit. All nations generally act in their own self-interests if for no other motivation than self-preservation. Even corrupt third world dictatorships are opportunistic in seeking to preserve their own political power and economic control.
However, opportunism is greatly amplified by the totalitarian social controls that exist in China, as there are no real checks and balances on the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) decision-making since dissension is tightly suppressed and the media are state-run and tightly controlled. Once an opportunistic course of action is decided and approved, no matter how crackpot or cynical, the ChiComs benefit from their enormous investment in both state-run media and also heavy influence in and manipulation of the foreign press to parrot CCP supporting propaganda narratives that facilitate reaching their opportunistic goals and objectives. And there are no self-regulating mechanisms in Chinese society such as legal protections for individuals and free expression that exist in many Western countries, which can curtail or redirect CCP decisions once made. The only self-regulation is the greed, competition, and factionalism within the CCP itself.
Let us examine ChiCom opportunism in the context of one of the most important issues of the day: the COVID-19 pandemic.

- Fear-mongering
- Social distancing advocacy
- Mask mania
- Feigned ChiCom altruism in providing medical equipment and “vaccines” to other countries (at a price).
- Condemnation and undermining of the United States (China’s “main enemy”).
- Blame-shifting on the origins of the virus.
- Exportation of authoritarian “Chinese methods” in handling the virus.
- Claiming leadership on virus response (vaccines, personal protective equipment, testing, etc.).
- Exploitation of international institutions like the World Health Organization.
- Pushing multilateralism and an undefined common approach to combatting the virus.
- Other messaging aimed at showcasing ChiCom leadership in dealing with the virus to Chinese citizens and the rest of the world.

This uniformity of purpose and action coupled with repetitive messaging is very effective in controlling the narrative. If that was not so, then countering actions by other countries, independent entities/individuals, and international institutions would be widely known and supported around the world. That virtually no one knows about it is a clear indication of the effectiveness of ChiCom messaging and influence in foreign media and institutions.
That last sentence in a nutshell describes the cynical opportunism that the ChiComs have put in play during the virus “pandemic” since they reported Patient Zero to the WHO on Dec. 31, 2019. It is not about Chinese altruism or benevolence or concern for other people; it is all about seeking and gaining geopolitical and economic advantage at the expense of others by sowing chaos and fear through psychological warfare aimed at getting others to readily accept authoritarian decision-making. Because once people have been conditioned to acquiesce to unscientific measures such as medical-related lockdowns, the road will have been paved for the implementation of other authoritarian measures in the future. This is the ultimate price that the world will pay for ChiCom opportunism—the loss of personal and economic freedoms in exchange for ChiCom leadership and false benevolence.