We all know speaking against the grain of political orthodoxy is daunting. Pressure to conform comes from all social and institutional corners, leaving many feeling like thought criminals going along to get along in an age of conformity. When friends, family, and even livelihoods hang in the balance, it often feels as though one has everything to lose.
While society’s loudest voices and squeakiest wheels dominate the conversation, dissenters have more teammates among them than they realize. Most rational and reasonable people recognize the excesses of our present political moment, yet they toe the line to maintain themselves and are rendered a silent mass of dissidents.
It only takes one individual to pull the veneer off the status quo. I know it myself from my experience of being outspoken on my own campus. Being an honest exponent of principles has brought a satisfying sense of authenticity. It also sparked an unexpected flood of validation from others. People came out of the woodwork to express solidarity—oftentimes individuals I would never have expected.
But perhaps the greatest case for speaking out is to fortify the integrity of the next generation. The youngest among us have been raised in a highly politicized world. From cartoons to classrooms, the dominant orthodoxy is constantly reinforced, and the expectation of conformity is made abundantly clear. Young people only know a graceless society characterized by a zero-tolerance cancel culture.
The next generation is being raised to operate like little politicians, carefully watching their words for fear of breaking rank and being ostracized. Childhood has been politicized—but it’s meant to be a life chapter of mistakes and personal discovery. We have a societal obligation to extend grace to the next generation.
So, lead by example. Resist the urge to conform. Speak out on account of your principles and in defense of truth. Show others—and especially young people—that standing up is not only possible but also tremendously rewarding. Be a champion of open, honest, and authentic expression. After all, it only takes one voice to start a conversation.