The America I Loved Is Leaving

The America I Loved Is Leaving
An American flag waves in the wind on top of Mt. Baldy, in Los Angeles County on Oct. 21, 2011. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)
Ron Williams

The America I grew up in is leaving, spiraling down into the gutter of history like the Roman Empire.

My father was a career military enlisted master sergeant who believed in discipline and structure. I was raised to clean my room and make my bed before leaving the house. I attended elementary school in Japan, and I graduated from high school in Wiesbaden, Germany.

Living as a military dependent, I traveled all over the world. It’s from this viewpoint that I’ve concluded that my country is leaving me and millions of other people who salute the flag and kneel before God.

America was founded on the principles established by the Judeo–Christian faith. Structured by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the country produced men and women who breathed the air of a free and just society. We were taught to appreciate the men who fought and died so we could live free from the tyranny of a repressive dictatorship or the modern form of communism.

What has changed? The lure of socialism has seeped into our society, poisoning our children by challenging our rich history into believing our country was founded on evil principles. Critical race theory (CRT), pitting one race against another, is being touted by progressives as a solution to racial injustice. CRT is a Marxist ideology that generates hatred and divisiveness. Our children grow up more concerned with the color of their skin than the content of their character.

The concept of big government ruling our lives by overregulating how we do business or live our everyday lives has sapped our core strength of freedom and a work ethic that has made this country great. A welfare system of free handouts has poisoned folks to rely on “free money.” The theory is, why work when the government pays you not to?

Our criminal justice system is failing. When George Soros-backed district attorneys ignore prosecuting criminals and release repetitive offenders on their own recognizance, felony crime increases. Chicago, New York, Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Baltimore have seen a significant rise in serious crime, yet they ignore establishing a concept of policing known as the “broken windows” theory. That concept was instituted in New York in the 90s, wherein minor violations initiated an arrest. The enforcement of minor violations drove down felony crimes and made New York one of the safest cities in America.

Why did the Roman Empire collapse? It rusted from within because the rulers became obsessed with power and money. This corruption couldn’t sustain an empire that ruled half the world at its peak. The Empire drained its citizens with high taxes that eroded loyalty. The military became undisciplined with failed leadership. The have-nots outnumbered the haves.

Today, the Biden family is a perfect example of corruption based on “pay-to-play.” Twenty LLCs were formed to funnel money to members of the Biden family with no identifiable business.

The United States of America is duplicating the fall of the Roman Empire. We’ve forgotten that the “past is prologue.” That is, history repeats itself.

What are solutions to stop the downward spiral we’re headed in?

First, we must vote out the current president and vice president, as well as several members of Congress.

Second, we must regain control of the education system and insist that our children be taught the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic. We must teach our children the rich history of our country and appreciate those who died for our freedom.

Third, we must address our energy program to take advantage of our vast fossil resources and support drilling for oil until we can find a solution for alternative energy.

Fourth, we must defeat the concept of “woke.” It’s destroying our culture and our military. We must stop transgender individuals from competing as women.

Fifth, we must take control of our borders. Under the Biden administration, millions of illegals have entered our country, and the drug cartels have smuggled deadly drugs and poisoned our youth.

Sixth, we must insist on fixing our criminal justice system. When a person breaks a law, they should be prosecuted to the extent of their crime. We must not turn our backs on victims by cuddling criminals.

Seventh, we must back term limits for elected members of Congress. Too many of our elected members go to Washington and forget their constituents. They become wealthy by receiving insider trading information.

Eighth, we must alter the power of career government officials who currently can’t be terminated based on civil service policies unless they’ve violated criminal laws. They’re the unknown members of the swamp.

Ninth, we must honor the concept of building strong families. Too many children are born and raised by a single parent.

Tenth, we must have a revival of faith in God. We’ve allowed the secular humanist to take control of our society and deny the existence of a higher spiritual power.

If we’re to remain a beacon of light as a place for individual freedom, we must change the course on which we’re currently headed. Higher taxation, wokeness, free money, greedy politicians, criminals unpunished, and secular humanism must be eradicated, or we’re doomed to follow the fall of the Roman Empire.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Ron T. Williams is a former agent of the U.S. Secret Service and the founder and CEO of Talon Companies, a professional security and risk management firm.
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