The 2020 presidential sweepstakes is already underway and the message of the Democrat candidates is quite clear: (1) The economy is not good enough; (2) There are too many poor people; (3) That poverty is the fault of the rich; and (4) It’s time to punitively tax the rich to end inequality.
To do that, like most socialist ploys, the Democrat candidates seem intent on inciting class warfare. They will seek to make their voters envious while promising that their envy can be satisfied, not through hard work, but through government power and redistribution.
Obviously, to the Democrat candidates, it is of little matter that the economy is doing quite well. Economic growth under President Donald Trump is nearly double that under President Barack Obama.
It also plainly doesn’t matter to the many Democrats that unemployment is at historic lows for blacks, Latinos, women, and the country as a whole. Nor does it matter that wages are rising faster under Trump than Obama.
What matters to the 2020 Democrats is controlling the federal government. Nothing more.
Offering Benefits
So how does one of the Democrat presidential candidates get elected president?First, they must win their Party’s nomination. To do that, they will have to make more big government promises than any Democrat nominee in history—and likely larger than anyone else in the 2020 field. It’s not the economy, stupid (as Democratic strategist James Carville once said), it’s the government benefits.
Income Inequality
The hyped-dangers of income inequality will be their calling card. Never mind that if all people had the same amount of money, it would be impossible for large-scale business start-ups and investments to occur. Successful economies are built on savings, which by definition is based on wealth inequality—the person that starts up the restaurant has to have far more wealth than the dishwasher.As for taxes, according to Harris, “Our tax code should reflect our values, instead of more tax breaks for the top 1 percent and corporations.”
It’s the plan of all the Democrat candidates to repeal the Trump tax reforms, which have led to increased economic growth.
Repeal is not, however, enough. Harris wants to reduce that 13 percent number. Meanwhile, Ocasio-Cortez wants a federal tax rate of 70 percent.
‘Empowered Envy’
Such a lopsided tax code bred intense resentment in the South before the U.S. Civil War, as the South was required to bear 75 percent of the tariffs of the age. Historians believe it was a major factor leading to the war.Of course, history has seen this dangerous play before. Faced with claims of inequality of wealth, in the 4th century B.C., Athenians legally set upon each other with excessive democratic measures of redistribution, meant to “correct” such problems. According to the historian Will Durant, the “poor schemed to despoil the rich by legislation and revolution [and] the rich organized for protection against the poor.”
The historian Sir Paul Vinogradoff, characterized that process as “the ruthless exploitation of private property for the interests of the majority.” The “main expedient,” he wrote, “was to ransom ... the wealthier people in order to keep the democrat majority in good humour.”
Isocrates, writing at the time, said that “poverty and envy of other people’s prosperity brutalize men and breed hatred.”
Durant concluded the process was “empowered envy.”
As I wrote in my book “The Divided Era,” those policies resulted in “bitter class warfare of the time [that] included not only government efforts at redistribution and a distrust of ‘democracy as empowered envy,’ but also murderous class violence that left Greece and its allied states badly divided—so divided, in fact, that with their energy sapped, they all but ignored the outside world until they were conquered by Philip of Macedon in 338 B.C.”
Beyond the economic and societal damage socialism has uniformly imposed on everywhere it has been tried, today, America faces great dangers abroad from China, Russia, ISIS, and Iran—to name a few.
The question for the rest of history will be whether America falls for the rhetoric of demagogues like Harris, Warren, and Ocasio-Cortez or will heed the advice of history. There are always those who lie in waiting for those civilizations willing to make the wrong choice.