O'Keefe’s window onto the subversion of the U.S. government in real-time by the current crop of federal employees has sparked calls for the firing of these openly declared saboteurs and policy-perverters. This reminds me of a very relevant history lesson most people have never learned. In 1941, Congress passed a bill, P.L. 135, to give great leeway to the federal government to fire employees who turn out to seek its destruction. What a concept.
At the time, lawmakers were concerned about Nazis and communists infiltrating the government, something the communists especially were doing on a massive scale—indeed, to a point of “occupation,” as I argue in “American Betrayal.” In that same year of 1941, though, after Stalin became our “ally” as we set forth to fight the Nazis and Japanese in World War II, the bill went by the wayside: however, not before Rep. Martin Dies (D-TX), chairman of the House Committee on Un-American Activities, had identified 1,124 federal workers who were also members of the “subversive” groups—communist fronts—designated by Attorney General Francis Biddle.
Among the Washington bureaucrats who belonged to these Communist fronts and appeared on the Dies List in 1941 were Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, Laughlin Currie, and Harold Glasser. These men were key Soviet agents of influence, who would successfully incorporate Stalin’s strategies and goals into US war-and peace-making. Had they been fired from their jobs at State, the White House, and Treasury in compliance with P.L. 135, not only the country but the world would be a better, more beautiful place in ways and dimensions that stagger the mind.
Note also that identifying communists and pro-communists on the federal payroll and seeking their removal was Sen. Joseph McCarthy’s mission starting in 1950. For several years, he was remarkably successful. It was his success, of course, that brought down on him the vicious disinformation campaign that continues to this day.
Not incidentally, that disinformation campaign against him and the other “Red Hunters” was set by Moscow and promulgated by their Communist minions here.