For 36 years, all but three as a private-sector journalist, I’ve been fighting for the democratic rights of Californians against the powerful, non-democratic public-employee unions. It’s been wearying. There have been few victories.
It was especially painful when I was state Sen. John Moorlach’s press secretary, 2017-20, and saw the unions attack him with vicious lie after vicious lie in his 2020 re-election campaign, outspending him three-to-one and defeating him. All he wanted to do was put their pensions on a sound financial footing.
Then the unions did it again when he ran for county supervisor in 2021. And in 2022, when he ran for mayor of Costa Mesa.
Howard’s new approach is to assert collective bargaining by public-employee unions is unconstitutional. He stressed the difference between public and private unions. The latter, he said, have a common interest with the private company in ensuring the profitable success of the business. They just negotiate over work conditions and what percentage of the profits goes to the workers, and which to the investors. Excessive demands lead to bankruptcy and the workers being laid off.

But public-employee unions are different, because governments aren’t in the profit business. Governments can still occasionally go bankrupt. Moorlach famously predicted Orange County’s 1994 bankruptcy, then was appointed treasurer-tax collector to clean up the mess. But most of the time, if finances crumble, governments just cut the services they’re supposed to provide, raise taxes, or both.
“About 50 years ago, public employee unions were given collective bargaining power,” Howard said. “What that means is the government is under the legal obligation to enter into contracts with one body to represent all the workers. The unions have used this power, plus the incredible political clout from using that power to get more dues, to effectively seize control of the operating system of government.
“The result is there for all to see. There is zero accountability. There was an 18-year study out of Illinois that showed, out of 95,000 teachers, an average of two per year were dismissed due to poor performance. That’s actually double the rate of California.
“In the federal government, 99 percent of all federal employees get a ‘fully successful rating.’” Because if you put anything negative in the file, like “doesn’t try hard,” the manager has to explain it to the union.
Destroying Democracy
We hear a lot nowadays about “saving our democracy.” But it’s the unions that are destroying it.“Democracy is a process of accountability,” Howard said. “That’s all it is. Everybody runs on the insistence they will do better. ‘Change you can believe in.’ ‘Drain the swamp.’ And it never happens. Why doesn’t it happen? Because the people we elect no longer have the authority to manage the government. If you elect someone today, you’re electing a figurehead.

“You don’t have the main tool of governance, which is accountability. The unions have made it virtually impossible to manage public institutions. You need to lay off the young good teacher before the bad teacher with seniority.”
“In 50 years of negotiation, they’ve created gold-plated health benefits,” Howard said. “Why is the L.A. school district so strapped it can’t give the teachers a raise? It’s the teachers’ unions. Merely by requiring the members of the union to take advantage of publicly available health plans, Medicare, and other plans, you save enough to give a $7,000 raise to every teacher in the school district.
What the U.S. Constitution Says
“The one thing I tried to do with this book is to look at it through the lens of constitutional government. How does this fit in with democracy? Well, it turns out that there is a very basic constitutional principle. It comes from John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government, called the Nondelegation Doctrine. It provides that, in a democracy, if you elect an official, the one thing the official can never do is give any of that power to someone else, to a private group. You can’t sell it. And you can’t give it away. Because the voters have given you a position of responsibility, a sacred trust.”Locke was highly influential on America’s Founding Fathers, especially Jefferson and Madison.

“Madison talked about that in the Constitutional debates. He said the point of the Guarantee Clause is to make sure that no official who is elected will give over any part of the power to any aristocrats or nobles. They didn’t want to go back to that. Or to any ‘favored class.’”
Union power today obviously is a “favored class ... exercising their oppressions” producing a country “degraded from the republic character.”
Howard said, when a legislative body signs a collective-bargaining agreement, they have “given the veto of democracy to the public-employee unions. So it’s a violation of the Guarantee Clause to give power to the unions.”

Supreme Court Action
What now? “There’s a step that has to be taken,” he said. “Which is, the Supreme Court never has decided this. There have been only four cases brought. They’ve all been political questions, like which competing form of the constitution in Rhode Island was more republican than the other. And the Supreme Court said, those are political questions that ought to be decided by voters or by the legislature.“What we’re talking about here is not a political question. It’s an operational question. Who’s supposed to have authority over government? The unions, or the people? Well, that’s not political. The person elected is supposed to have that authority. So I feel reasonably comfortable that, even though this case has never been brought, that in this situation, it had a lot of validity.
“When the book came out in January, it didn’t get any reviews for a while. Then legal scholars started looking at and said, ‘This is actually serious. The unions have taken over the operation of the government, and how can that be legal?’”
Howard briefly touched on another constitutional argument: Public employee unions organizing against the public interest is a breach of their fiduciary duty.
Billionaires and Millionaires
In the Q&A, I pointed out how the “billionaires and millionaires” in California were not stepping up to contribute to the campaigns of pro-business, pro-Constitution candidates like Moorlach. That leaves their campaigns severely underfunded against the unions with their endless supply of dues pilfered from the taxpayers’ dollars.“We actually don’t have much of a culture now of civic leadership from the people who used to be the captains of industry,” Howard said. “There are exceptions to that. I agree it’s a problem.”
“It wasn’t that great, but it’s better than this,” I said, to chuckles from the audience.
Howard’s idea indeed is a promising avenue to limit the unions’ immense power and restore democratic, constitutional government. Cases like those Howard is bringing take years to wend through the courts. If one of these cases reached the current court, with its 6-3 Republican majority, it likely would succeed. The court in 2018 handed down the Janus decision, which banned unions from extracting from employees mandatory union dues. Although, as Howard said in his talk, that so far has had minimal effect on union power.As Howard’s idea spreads and grows, as I think it will, the unions will be madder than a nest of hornets bumped by a 10-year-old boy miseducated in one of the union-wrecked schools. But as government deteriorates further, not just in the schools but in all parts of these vast bureaucracies, people increasingly are going to demand change. Maybe we can restore real democracy.