Back in 2015, when conservative commentator Mark Steyn alluded to Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne’s renewed attempt to smuggle her radical “sex education” curriculum into the elementary school classroom (I’d call it a hidden agenda, but only conservatives have hidden agendas), Indigo Books CEO Heather Reisman nearly fell off her hostess chair.
Interrupting her interview with Steyn about his latest book, Canada’s self-proclaimed Reader-in-Chief protested, “I’ve never heard of that.” (In progressive-speak, “I’ve never heard of that” means: “You-made-it-up-you-paranoid-right-wing-reactionary-pursuer-of-the-politics-of-hate-fear-exclusion-and-cultural-insensitivity.”)
When a paranoid, right-wing, reactionary pursuer of the politics of hate, fear, exclusion, and cultural insensitivity (this writer, I confess) shouted from the sidelines that Canada’s Reader-in-Chief should try reading a non-liberal newspaper for a change, the audience laughed insensitively, and the unwonted thrill of being part of a conservative majority in downtown Toronto nearly overcame us all.
Progressives seem not to have heard of a multitude of things of which we much less well-educated conservatives are quirkily cognizant (balancing the budget by reducing spending rather than increasing taxes; raising one’s children in the home rather than in state-subsidized daycare; coeds paying for their own contraceptives).
‘They’ll Do It Anyway’
In its absurdity, the Wynne-Ford sex-ed curriculum—as it must now be officially denominated, since Premier Doug Ford’s campaign promise to repeal it has been revealed as a sham—is nothing new. Sex educators have long proven that they know nothing about either sex or education; but then the people who insist on re-engineering human life, and those who are completely ignorant about how human life is engineered, are invariably the same people.Progressive Child Abuse
No one can by now underestimate the moral depravity to which progressive ideologues are capable of descending. Social conservatives used to inveigh against the left’s moral experiments by warning about a “slippery slope.” A generation ago, for example, feminists pleaded for the modest right to abortion in the case of a threat to the life or health of the mother. Today, abortion is permissible at any time for any reason. Yet even with unrestricted access to this apocalyptic form of contraception, in urban centres throughout North America, nearly one out of every two children is born out of wedlock.Social conservatives have been wildly too optimistic; and progressives were right all along in denying the existence of a slippery slope. There has never been a slippery slope—it was always, right from the beginning, a direct, vertical leap into the moral abyss.
With the Wynne-Ford sex-ed curriculum, we have at last splashed down in a miasmal sewer from which it’s hard to sink any further. If parents continue to sit by and submit blithely to the corruption of their children in state-run moral re-education camps, they should hardly be surprised when little Johnny comes home one day and, after hectoring them as usual on the size of their carbon footprint, demands a sex-change operation.
If parents fail to mount even such protests as the left routinely mounts at the least offence to their overwrought sensitivities or tiniest rebuff to their agenda, they will have acknowledged their defeat, once and for all, in the culture wars.