Only Citizens Should Vote in America

Only Citizens Should Vote in America
Voters fill out their ballots on Election Day in Columbus, Ohio, on Nov. 7, 2023. (Megan Jelinger/AFP via Getty Images)
Newt Gingrich

The next step in radically changing America is now underway. City officials in our national capital plan to allow noncitizens to vote this year.

President Joe Biden let millions of illegal immigrants cross the border. Then he bussed them to Washington. The city’s Democratic machine now wants to let them vote—knowing they'll almost certainly vote Democrat for all the support and assistance.

This policy is a clear threat to American nationalism.

Three characteristics define a survivable national identity.

There must be a border that defines the nation. There must be a broad sense of history and common culture that enables people to see themselves as belonging to a common community. And there must be meaningful citizenship that gives people a stake in the larger national community (in our case, citizenship allows us to vote).

The American left has been working overtime to erase all three of these characteristics.

The left believes in open borders—and has done everything to make America open to millions of President Biden’s illegal immigrants. This hasn’t been the result of incompetence or lack of resources. This is deliberate policy. And, from the left’s standpoint, it’s successful.

The left hates American history. It despises the great men and women who sacrificed and worked to make America the most successful, prosperous, and freest country in the world. For three generations, the left has been brainwashing children into an anti-American worldview. The anti-American prejudice now infects most of our newsrooms and many of our larger corporations.

Now that the left has been getting President Biden’s illegal immigrants into the country, its members want to start letting illegal immigrants vote. In effect, the noncitizens would offset Americans with whom the left doesn’t agree. They’re especially committed to getting new noncitizens to vote. Their dream of a huge American Latino-Democratic majority has been destroyed by the radicalism and real-world failures of Bidenism (former President Donald Trump is now running ahead of President Biden among American Latinos).

A key test case for getting President Biden’s illegal immigrants to vote in 2024 will be Washington. Our national capital’s left-wing politicians are totally failing to protect residents from runaway crime (there were 959 carjackings in Washington in 2023). The city bureaucracy is driving sports teams out of town. The roads are decaying, and American citizens must visit their own national capital with a sense of concern for their own safety. Now, the District of Columbia Council has decided that its next contribution to American decay is to disenfranchise its own residents and allow noncitizens to vote.

Now, the left—as they always do—will shout that being concerned about the votes of U.S. citizens being canceled out by the votes of noncitizens is (you guessed it) racist. This is a ham-fisted attempt to shout down any discussion of what’s an absurd, self-destructive policy that would make the entire concept of American citizenship meaningless.

This is nothing but a fringe political position that’s totally rejected by the American people.

In a national survey from February 2021, Americans deeply opposed allowing noncitizens to vote in American elections. Further, they support requiring citizenship verification during voter registration.

In Arizona, 81 percent support allowing only American citizens to vote and requiring citizenship verification to register to vote in federal elections. Only 15 percent oppose. In Maine, 75 percent support a ban on noncitizen voting and only 19 percent oppose. In Montana, the figures are 86 percent support and 11 percent oppose, and in West Virginia, they’re 84 percent to 13 percent.

In a national poll by McLaughlin & Associates from May 2021, 61 percent disapproved of “new laws in places such as California and Vermont that allow non-citizens to vote in U.S. elections.” Only 30 percent approved.

Congress should move to block the Washington politicians’ effort to let noncitizens vote in our national capital. Congress should also pass a law making it illegal for noncitizens to cast ballots in federal elections.

The effort to let noncitizens overrule Americans must be stopped.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Newt Gingrich is an author, commentator, and former Georgia congressman who was the 50th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999. He ran as a presidential Republican candidate in 2012.
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