Speaking to a national ethnic affairs conference, Xi said that attendees should “firmly prevent major risks and hidden dangers in ethnic affairs.”
Here Xi is justifying the genocides even where there is no obvious ethnic “danger,” but one that is “hidden.”
Apparently failing to see his own hypocrisy, Xi stated, “International anti-terrorism cooperation should be also intensified, working with major countries, regions, international organizations and overseas Chinese ethnic minorities.”
Ethnicity is apparently fine with Xi as long as it is Chinese (read Han) overseas. In fact, they should apparently be preferred for cooperation. That’s more racism, especially because Tibetans and Uyghurs are no longer allowed to travel, so of course, they would typically not be the Chinese that Xi would be encouraging cooperation with on “international anti-terrorism.”
The conference at which Xi was speaking focused upon “forging a sense of community of the Chinese nation.”
This “community” is being interpreted by Chinese analysts as anti-American. “The United States started the trade war against China in 2018, followed by a tech war and an ideological war, including allegations of human rights abuses in Xinjiang,” Xie Maosong, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told the South China Morning Post. “A sense of community within the Chinese nation can help us face the country’s rivalry with the United States. It is about national security and national stability, and we should not let that affect our development.”
Cooperating with the CCP on any matter, including against terrorism, is thus hypocritical and likely to be self-defeating, racist, and bigoted given China’s genocides, its anti-Americanism, and its immense and growing power.
Yet, the Biden administration is apparently begging for more cooperation, which in reality is more punishment.
At a time when China’s intellectual property theft from the United States cost us up to $600 billion a year, this is the man who President Joe Biden chose as the secretary of state.

Reuters further summarized Wang’s statement as saying that “Washington should work with the international community to provide economic and humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, help the new regime run governmental functions normally, maintain social stability, and stop the currency from depreciating and the cost of living from rising.”
In other words, according to Wang, the United States should pour money into the Taliban government, after the Taliban had for 20 years killed Americans, and protected Osama bin Laden.
Wang apparently ignored the 20-year American and allied commitment to building democracy and the rule of law in Afghanistan, during which time China always supported Pakistan, a state-sponsor of terrorism. That sponsorship included the Taliban.
But last week, Blinken was apparently forced by circumstances into focusing on the short-term goal of evacuating Kabul airport, rather than a longer-term strategy. Ned Price, the State Department spokesperson, issued a statement that said Blinken and Wang discussed “the importance of the international community holding the Taliban accountable for the public commitments they have made regarding the safe passage and freedom to travel for Afghans and foreign nationals.”
In other words, Washington is begging the Taliban and China to let Americans and their friends leave Kabul. Our diplomats are so desperate, as to be forced into a panic that Wang is using to China’s advantage.
Apparently, China’s “cooperation” in getting our people out of Afghanistan comes with a steep price: Let China expand, and give up our democratic morals, ethics, and commitment to human rights. Join Xi Jinping’s fight against “poisonous” ethnic and religious “extremism” or see our friends and citizens in Kabul get killed by the CCP-supported Taliban.
That should be enough to stop any sane U.S. administration from talking to the CCP. They are the extremists, and there should be no negotiation with terrorists, either of the Taliban or CCP varieties.