NBC Journalists Distort, Malign Falun Gong to Strengthen Attack on Rival Media

NBC Journalists Distort, Malign Falun Gong to Strengthen Attack on Rival Media
Falun Gong practitioners exercise at Union Square in New York as they celebrate World Falun Dafa Day on May 12, 2016. The Epoch Times
Levi Browde
An NBC article is spreading misinformation, propaganda, and bigotry to marginalize a peaceful, spiritual group in order to strengthen their hit piece on a rival media.

NBC reporters Brandy Zadrozny and Ben Collins have published an article grossly mischaracterizing the beliefs and plight of the Falun Gong spiritual practice, and the tens of millions of people around the world who practice it.

There are several problems with the article. Let’s first examine the ease with which it dismisses large-scale human rights atrocities.

For 20 years, major human rights organizations, scholars, the U.S. government, and other governments around the world have repeatedly called the systematic detention, torture, and killing of Falun Gong practitioners in China by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) an illegal and unjustified attack on innocent believers of a peaceful faith by a paranoid regime.
The New York Times, among other major media outlets, clearly reported that there were at least 70 million people practicing Falun Gong when the violent persecution started. A Wall Street Journal reporter was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for exposing these atrocities and revealing how they are state-sanctioned. According to Freedom House, hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong adherents have been sentenced to labor camps and prison terms.
Furthermore, there is widespread evidence that Falun Gong practitioners are being systematically detained and killed on a large scale so their organs can be sold for profit by the Chinese regime. The BBC has covered this several times. So has ForbesThe GuardianNewsweekThe TelegraphThe Wall Street Journal, among others, and even NBC.

Yet this article reduced the sheer scope and scale of all these horrors to a single sentence: “Human rights groups have reported some adherents being tortured and killed while in custody.”

Would these NBC journalists also suggest a “handful” of people were reported killed in the Rwandan genocide? Maybe “some Jews” were killed in the Holocaust? If not, how does one explain how the systematic persecution of 70 million people is reduced to “some adherents?”

But the real distortions formulated by this article lie in the manner in which Falun Gong beliefs are portrayed.

The characterization of Falun Gong—a traditional spiritual practice with roots going back thousands of years and with tens of millions of practitioners in China and around the world—is reduced to a few dismissive paragraphs derived from three sources: one ex-practitioner, a professor who has openly defended CCP thugs accused of physically attacking Falun Gong practitioners in New York City, and the reporters’ own prejudiced opinions of Falun Gong teachings.

There’s no real discussion with current practitioners concerning how they actually interpret the teachings, nor an examination of how those teachings play out, in reality, in their daily lives. In short, there is no genuine effort to understand the teachings and beliefs. Instead, a few journalists who have no known expertise in this area and with a clear agenda to disparage Falun Gong, apparently spent some time reading through Falun Gong’s teachings looking for quotes to be used for the narrative they were crafting.

Consider this: One could, for example, portray Tibetan Buddhists as monsters if one were to dissect the Tibetan Book of the Dead (a key text from Tibetan Buddhism) from a biased perspective, completely denying that the overarching message and lifestyle of Tibetan Buddhists is one centered on compassion. This is precisely what this article does with Falun Gong: It has completely missed, or more accurately, dismissed, the principles that guide the lives of Falun Gong practitioners.

We seek to develop honesty, compassion, and forbearance in our character through meditation and mindful living. This isn’t just dogma or talking points; these principles guide us and motivate us. We believe in them deeply, and doing so has uplifted the lives of millions, and brought happiness and balance to our lives and our families. Yet this article chose to completely ignore that.

It’s also noteworthy that there is no content included in the article from the almost two hours spent on the phone interviewing me—a Falun Gong Information Center representative. In fact, the article states: “A representative for Li declined an interview request,” which clearly implies that no one returned calls from these journalists. I returned the calls and participated in a long interview.

And here’s something I find truly shocking: Of the several sources directly linked from this article, one link goes directly to the Chinese government’s website. There are no links to the Falun Dafa Information Center’s website.

So let’s be clear on what this means.

These reporters consider the CCP, which has killed tens of millions of people during its reign and continues to persecute millions, from Uyghurs, to Christians, to Falun Gong, to be a credible source. Meanwhile, a representative for Falun Gong—the Falun Dafa Information Center—whose website contains an abundance of references to third-party reports (i.e., Amnesty International, Freedom House, U.S. Congress, CECC, etc.), isn’t referenced or even mentioned.

And finally, the characterizations of Falun Gong found in the article are littered with distortions that track very closely to official CCP propaganda points, which are outright lies or at least intentional misrepresentations crafted by the Chinese regime with the calculated purpose of diverting attention from large-scale human rights abuses. That’s truly disturbing.

For 20 years, the CCP has attempted to dehumanize Falun Gong practitioners in a vain attempt to “justify” its brutal torture and murder of peaceful citizens. By irresponsibly repeating their lies, the article does more to aid the persecution effort than many may realize.

If these NBC journalists want to attack Falun Gong, they shouldn’t pretend it’s investigative journalism. When it comes to the content about Falun Gong and its teachings, as well as the unbelievable omissions surrounding the persecution in China, this is strictly an opinion piece with a clear agenda. And sadly, it appears that these opinions were crafted to build the case against a rival media. This is a terrible abuse, and indeed, a degrading, of the fourth estate.

Levi Browde is executive director of the Falun Dafa Information Center. This article was first published on the Falun Dafa Information Center website. @FalunInfoCtr
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Levi Browde
Levi Browde
Levi Browde is the executive director of the Falun Dafa Information Center, which documents and reports on human rights abuses against Falun Gong practitioners. Browde also serves as a trustee at Fei Tian College, a renowned performing arts conservatory where most Shen Yun performers are trained. His commitment to the arts extends to his family, as both of his adult sons are accomplished performers with Shen Yun, bringing traditional Chinese culture to global audiences.
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