What other educational options do you have? Not many outside of government schools, unfortunately.
You could enrol your children in an independent school. However, expect to pay relatively high tuition fees because no public funding follows your children to a non-government school. As a result, the independent school option is usually only available to wealthy parents.
Another option would be to homeschool your children. While homeschooling works well for some families, it’s not feasible if a parent is unable to stay at home to teach their children.
One other option is to switch your children over to the separate school system, in this case the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB). However, there’s little difference between TDSB and TCDSB schools—both use the same government curriculum guides and are equally vulnerable to teacher strikes.
It’s a similar situation in the rest of Ontario. As a result, most Ontario parents have little choice but to enrol their children in their neighbourhood government school. This is unacceptable. We wouldn’t accept a government monopoly over dental clinics, grocery stores, or gas stations, and we shouldn’t tolerate such limited choices in education either. Ontario parents deserve more options.
Fortunately, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Other provinces already provide parents with far more choices, and Ontario could follow their lead.
Each charter school has a unique mission. By doing some background research, parents could identify a charter school that would be a good fit for their children.
Imagine what parents in rural Ontario could do if they could establish charter schools in their communities. No longer would they be at the mercy of government school boards that vote to shut down small community schools and bus their children to larger centres.
At a minimum, loosening catchment areas within government school boards would also be a step in the right direction. Both B.C. and Alberta make it relatively easy for parents to enrol their children at government schools in different neighbourhoods, so long as space is available. This small step would at least provide more choices for parents.
Ontario parents deserve the same educational options available in the western provinces. There’s no reason for any student to be stuck in a failing school.