Let the Real Investigations Begin

Let the Real Investigations Begin
FBI Director James Comey speaks on cyber security at Georgetown University on Apr. 26, 2016 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
Rumor has it that special counsel Robert Mueller is winding down his Russia probe. If true, this is great news for America.
President Donald Trump will be totally vindicated. The Russia collusion myth was manufactured by the Democrats to topple Trump. Their bloodless coup failed, but extensive damage has been done.
Trump’s reputation has been impaired by the Russia collusion lies, and his agenda has been bogged down by the Mueller investigation. He has been viewed with suspicion by many Democrats, and America has been bitterly divided, just as the Russian meddlers wished.
When Mueller’s pretend investigation fades away, real investigations into government corruption and conspiracies against Trump should begin. To restore the confidence of the American people in the federal government, here are three real cases that the Department of Justice should investigate immediately.
The first case is the unauthorized private email server of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The whole investigation was fraught with irregularities.
For example, when the FBI interviewed Clinton in July 2016, she was not asked to take an oath to tell the truth. The FBI identified 13 electronic devices potentially used by Clinton to send emails from her private email server, but the bureau was not able to recover any of them because they were all destroyed by Clinton’s aides with hammers.
Strangely, no one was charged for destroying evidence. What’s more, disgraced former FBI Director James Comey was found to have drafted a statement exonerating Clinton two or three months before the FBI interviewed her and other key witnesses.
The Department of Justice under Lynch pretended that it “accepted” the FBI’s recommendation and hoped that the case had been swept under the rug. But it was clearly botched by the FBI. The bureau’s job is to gather facts and to verify the evidence. It was simply not Comey’s call to give Clinton a get-out-of-jail-free card, as he did at the July 2016 press conference in which he announced she would not be prosecuted.
The second case is the Uranium One scandal. Uranium One was a Canadian uranium mining firm that was acquired in 2013 by a Russian state-owned company. According to The Hill, the FBI and DOJ had evidence of wrongdoing by the Russian company as early as 2009, but Congress and the rest of the administration were not informed of the illegal schemes until years later. If that criminal conspiracy had been known, the deal would likely not have gone through.
At least five people related to the Russian company have been indicted and a few convicted. The FBI and DOJ, however, tried their best to make sure that the cases did not see the light of day.  
An FBI informant, William Campbell, who helped the DOJ win convictions in 2015, was gagged by the Obama DOJ for no obvious reason. (The gag was recently lifted by the DOJ under Jeff Sessions.) Campbell was also coerced by the DOJ to abandon a lawsuit that would have made the case more widely known during the 2016 presidential election, according to the Hill.
What did the FBI and DOJ under Obama try to hide? The American people are owed an explanation.
The third case, probably the most important one, is whether there existed a conspiracy against Trump in the Obama administration. There is evidence that such a conspiracy indeed existed and was executed by officials under Obama.
Former CIA Director John Brennan denied he knew who commissioned the infamous Steele dossier and claimed the CIA never relied on the opposition research document in front of Congress. But evidence indicates that Brennan was among the first senior Obama officials to promulgate the dossier and could have driven the FBI to start the Russian collusion investigation.
If American citizens are “incidentally” caught in surveillance of foreign targets, their identities are usually redacted as required by law. This did not present any difficulty for Obama officials Susan Rice, Samantha Power, and Ben Rhodes. They simply requested that the identities be revealed. Power, Obama’s U.N. ambassador, averaged more than one request for every working day in 2016. Unless Power is a secret CIA agent, she did not have any apparent official need to request unmasking.
Then there is the Steele dossier bought and paid for by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. A smear document, it was miraculously admitted as genuine intelligence and used to justify wiretaps against Trump’s associates and possibly Trump himself.
Did Obama know all of this? When did he know? Was there coordination between Obama and the Clinton campaign in setting up the Russian collusion witch hunt? Only a thorough investigation will tell.
There could be a fourth case. In 2016, the DNC alleged the organization’s email servers were hacked by Russia-backed hackers whose purpose was to assist then-Republican candidate Trump. The DNC, however, repeatedly rejected the FBI’s requests to examine the hacked servers. As a result, those who hacked the DNC, what purposes were served by the hacking, and what was stolen are shrouded in mystery.
Now the email servers may come back into the spotlight, thanks to the DNC. In a lawsuit filed on April 20, the DNC claimed the Trump campaign, Russia, and WikiLeaks colluded to win the 2016 election. Suppose the suit survives the motions of dismissal. The Trump campaign will almost surely use discovery to force the DNC to produce the servers for examination. Is this something the DNC really wants? Or were the servers destroyed by hammers before the lawsuit was filed? We shall see.