When investigating and determining “death from COVID” versus “death from the mRNA vaccine,” governments operate under a glaring double standard. The protocols and approaches differ vastly for each, enabling governments to report very high numbers of COVID-19 deaths from 2020 onwards, while also reporting very low numbers of deaths from the COVID vaccine that was introduced (and then made mandatory) in 2021.
National, provincial, and state governments across the world accepted and used this protocol from April 2020 onwards. Health authorities around the globe listed “COVID” as the cause of death even for someone who was terminally ill with cancer. Previously, if a terminally ill cancer patient had caught a bad flu, and if this flu had pushed the patient over the edge to hasten her death, the cause of death recorded in government statistics would have been cancer, not the flu. But from April 2020 onwards, those who died of cancer were listed as “COVID deaths” if a PCR test detected a COVID viral remnant in their body, either before or after death. Even if the cancer patient had no COVID symptoms, she or he would still be listed as a “COVID death.” This is why statistics in many jurisdictions show fewer cancer deaths in 2020 than in 2019.
This is why government numbers for “COVID deaths” in 2020 (and the years thereafter) are many multiples higher than “flu deaths” in 2019 and years prior. When presenting high, scary numbers of “COVID deaths” to the public in 2020, our government-funded media promoted the false message that “COVID deaths” in 2020 were much higher than “flu deaths” in 2019. Our supposedly unbiased and trustworthy media made no mention of the WHO changing its protocol in April 2020 to promote COVID as cause of death.
Whether a person tests “positive” for COVID by way of a PCR test depends on how many cycles of amplification (a doubling of the virus to be able to detect it) were used for her or his test. The PCR test does not, and cannot, diagnose COVID disease in a person. When the viral remnant is doubled 40 times, close to 100 percent of people test positive for COVID. When the viral remnant is amplified (doubled) only 20 times, very few people test positive. Contrary to the truth-loving spirit of science, throughout lockdowns and vaccine passports, governments refused to disclose the number of cycles at which they ran their PCR tests, even while this information could have been (and still can be) easily provided to the taxpaying public.
From 2021 onwards, the mRNA vaccine was administered to many elderly Canadians who were already sick with one or more serious illnesses. When people died after getting injected, the death was deemed to have been caused by the underlying illness. But if a PCR test detected a COVID viral remnant in a person’s body, the death was classified as a “COVID death” even if the person had no COVID symptoms and was terminally ill with cancer.
Even when a death occurs shortly after vaccination, the WHO classifies adverse events following immunization as “indeterminate” if there is “insufficient definitive evidence” to link the death to the vaccine. In other words, when someone drops dead shortly after getting injected, this does not constitute “definitive” evidence of the mRNA vaccine having caused the death.
Unlike the determination for COVID deaths, where any “compatible” illness is “assumed” to be caused by the virus, deaths are only deemed vaccine-related when all other possible explanations are ruled out. If this approach to determining vaccine-caused deaths is the scientifically correct standard that ought to be used, then the methods used by governments to determine “COVID deaths” was nakedly political.
Worse yet, statisticians, public health officials, and bureaucrats at Statistics Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada are refusing to recognize the determinations of cause by physicians. Federal bureaucrats are substituting their own judgment, based on criteria taken from the WHO, for that of the doctors who were treating the patients and who were personally involved with designating cause of death.
In short, while governments in Canada adopted overly broad criteria to recognize COVID deaths, and used highly flawed data to impose the COVID vaccine on a fearful population, they have set nearly unattainable standards for acknowledging deaths caused by the mRNA vaccine.