It used to be anthropology meant digging up old bones and pottery shards to help us understand the past. Now it’s used to attack our Second Amendment “right to keep and bear arms.”
Her upbringing is curious because the Soviet communists imposed strict gun control to suppress the freedoms of the 300 million people of the USSR. Including those in Lithuania and other “captive nations,” as Cold Warriors like me called them until they gained independence.
“Gang members recruit migrants from shelters and as they come off buses from Texas, putting them to work in retail theft rings or on mopeds grabbing phones and handbags and roughing up pedestrians.”

Back to Ms. Jusionyte, who said neither Mr. Biden nor Mr. Trump “mentioned one of the main reasons the border has drawn so many migrants and asylum seekers—the flow of guns from the U.S. into Mexico.
“This link between our guns and the people who seek safety at the border is particularly clear in Texas. Gov. Greg Abbott’s hard-line approach to stopping migrants from crossing completely ignores the state’s role as a main source of weapons for criminal groups and violence in Mexico, which is a result of its loose gun regulations. It’s no wonder that Mexicans are the largest national group among the hundreds of thousands who try to cross the U.S. southern border each year.”
Actually, Mexico is just across the border and has 127 million people, more than any other country in the Western Hemisphere after the United States and Brazil.
Mexico’s Strict Gun Controls
She continued, “Criminal violence is a problem throughout Mexico. In 2023, more than 110,000 Mexicans were officially listed as disappeared. Close to 90% of all crimes are never reported and 9 in 10 homicides go unpunished. In some parts of the country, law enforcement works with organized crime groups. The families I met did not have an option to go to the police. They packed what they could carry, hoping to find safety once they crossed the border.“It’s not only people that are affected by the proliferation of guns. The criminal organizations forcing families to flee are often also running the Mexican drug trade. When fentanyl is smuggled across the border, usually through ports of entry and often by U.S. citizens, it wreaks havoc in our communities. But the drugs would not be coming north in such large numbers if not for our guns flowing south.”
That last is doubtful. The profits still would be there. Again, why can’t Mexico solve its own problems?

Next, she even actually provided a clue to the real problem, as well as the solution, when she wrote: “One reason that American guns have such an outsized role in Mexican crime is because unlike the United States, Mexico has very strict gun laws. There are only two gun stores in the country where vetted citizens can purchase a limited number of relatively small-caliber weapons. But in Texas and Arizona, states that share the longest border with Mexico, there are more than 7,000 federally licensed gun dealers and pawnbrokers.”
That’s because this is a free country. I have a saying: Second Amendment, first freedom. Just look at Canada and the European countries, which supposedly guarantee freedoms of speech and assembly, but routinely violate them. Their citizens are disarmed and can’t defend those rights.
Mexican Lawsuit Against Gun Makers
She then brought up something I wrote about last September in The Epoch Times, a case in U.S. federal court, “Estados Unidos Mexicanos v. Smith & Wesson Brands Inc., et al.” If this lawsuit succeeds, it would shut down all gun production and sales in the United States; the Second Amendment effectively would be revoked.
Conclusion: Naiveté and Reality on Guns
Ms. Jusionyte insisted, “It is a vicious circle of violence. Without the river of firearms flowing south, the northbound flow of drugs would diminish.”“Far from being a side-effect of China’s rampant growth and manufacturing strength, the export of deadly devices is part of a deliberate strategy, writes Schweizer.
“The idea is modeled on what Chinese propagandists call ‘the Century of Humiliation,’ when the West tried to weaken the country by supporting different factions and arming warring parties.”
Mr. Schweizer himself wrote: “In the same way that it flipped the Opium Wars of the nineteenth century and created the Fentanyl Wars of the twenty-first century, Beijing now works to create a Century of Humiliation and weaken the United States by fomenting division by putting weapon-enhancing technologies into the hands of felons and criminal gangs, but also fueling social division on U.S. streets.”
If the U.S. courts system upholds the Mexican lawsuit, American families could be left defenseless—just as Beijing is working gangbusters to arm the cartels and other criminal gangs.