Democrats Are Hijacking Democracy, Kicking Republicans Out of the Game

Democrats Are Hijacking Democracy, Kicking Republicans Out of the Game
Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), left, and John Cornyn (R-Texas) head to the chamber at the Capitol in Washington on March 5, 2021. (J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo)
He Qinglian
The crisis for Republicans has truly arrived. Since Jan. 20, President Joe Biden has issued nearly 60 executive orders and counting, reforming the United States in all directions without approval from Congress.

Bipartisanship Unnecessary for New Policies

Federal budgets are supported by taxes collected from taxpayers. In any case, when introducing new policies, the interests of the people should be considered. However, the Democratic Party has control over the executive and legislative branches, and often seems to get what it wants from the judiciary, so it now openly satisfies its own selfish interests.
Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, when speaking about the COVID-19 relief bill during the Senate session on Feb. 2, mentioned that several Republicans went to the White House a few days after Biden was sworn in and proposed bipartisanship on handling the pandemic, but were rejected by the Democrats.

The highlights of the relief bill drafted by the Democrats are as follows:

1. Democrats decided to include spending completely unrelated to fighting the pandemic. Of the huge $1.9 trillion proposal, less than 9 percent (approximately $171 billion) will be used for medical care and less than 1 percent ($19 billion) for vaccination. At the same time, a total of $350 billion will be allocated to state governments and local governments in mismanaged blue states.

2. Large-scale expansion of Obamacare subsidies, which disproportionately benefit the rich.

3. Funding for the expansion of a Silicon Valley rail project, ridiculed by the GOP as “Nancy Pelosi’s subway"; funding for a seaway international bridge linking Cornwall, Ontario, Canada, and Massena, New York, in Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) territory; and funding for family planning, which is basically funding for abortion.

4. The bill also provides stay-at-home payments to federal employees with children. In addition to receiving $21,000 in subsidies, full-time federal employees can have up to 15 weeks of paid leave if he or she has a child attending virtual school due to the pandemic.

HR 1 Intends to Put Democrats in Power Forever

The real portent comes from the H.R. 1 voting reform bill recently submitted by the Democrats.

On March 2, House Democrats pushed the bill to the floor for discussion and voting, which caused dissatisfaction among Republicans.

The most controversial clauses in H.R. 1 include allowing nationwide large-scale voting by mail, allowing 16- and 17-year-olds to pre-register to vote in advance of turning 18, permanently allowing early voting, allowing minimum verification of online registration, legalizing ballot harvesting, and restoring voting rights to felons who have completed their prison terms.

H.R. 1 also stipulates that each state must count every mailed ballot within 10 days after Election Day and all states must allow “ballot harvesting,” which enables paid political activists to collect absentee ballots from places such as nursing homes. This will allow activists to prey on the most vulnerable voters in the United States and increase the risk of vote tampering.

At the same time, state and local election officials will be prohibited from verifying voter qualifications; voter ID documents will be banned from use everywhere.

H.R. 1 was actually the first legislation introduced by Democrats when they gained control of the House in early 2019. It was then implemented in Democrat-controlled states and swing states such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona. Republican politicians in these states temporarily modified election regulations because of the pandemic and willingly became minions of the Democratic Party and its special-interest allies to manipulate the election.

Such practices, if fixed by law, would allow the Democratic Party to secure permanent control of the White House and Congress.

Republican Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama said in an interview on Breitbart News on March 4, “There are dozens of provisions in this legislation that undermine the sacredness and the accuracy of the elections, and what we saw in a few places in the country in 2020 with the massive voter fraud that was occurring in those places would now become commonplace throughout the United States.”
The one-person, one-vote election system and the two-party system that rotates through fair elections are the two basic characteristics of the democratic process. The Democrat Party already undermined the one-person-one-vote system in the 2020 election. If H.R. 1 is used to normalize the 2020 election model, it not only spells the demise of the Republican Party, but also the demise of the U.S. democratic system.

Can Republicans Reverse the Situation?

At present, Republican states are using the autonomy granted by the Constitution to block the reform that the Biden administration seeks to impose on the individual states. For instance, state governments can refuse to implement executive orders, as Texas and Florida have chosen to do. Another method is to abolish newly passed voting bills and executive orders at the state level.

However, as a law-abiding party and an organization lacking strong unity, it’s very difficult for the GOP to confront the Democrats, a party that is accustomed to operating in the grey areas of the law, good at uniting the party over interests, and currently holds power over the three branches of government and has control of the media.

The Epoch Times published an opinion piece about an article published in Time magazine on Feb. 6 headlined “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.”

While the Time article was about the stealers of the election showing off their victory, it clearly revealed a fact: In terms of election campaigns, be it organization, mobilization, or propaganda capabilities, the Republican Party is still in the industrial age, while the Democratic Party has long become a skillful campaigner that combines its mastery of high-tech operations with a “1984”-style Leninist method to control society and public opinions.

The cohesion of the Democratic Party mainly comes from two aspects. One is profit-sharing among all its members, and the other is the unprincipled shielding of party members’ crimes.

The former is a characteristic of all modern organizations and political parties, while the latter is originally a characteristic of gang organizations and shouldn’t exist in any political parties in a democratic country. Such protection is most prominently displayed in turning a blind eye to any illegal or unethical conduct of its key members, and obstructing any attempt to hold them accountable through various underhanded means.

Take President Joe Biden as an example. His family has long been involved in a corruption scandal that uses Biden’s influence to accumulate wealth in foreign countries.

After the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee released an 87-page document, titled “Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns,” the Democratic Party turned a blind eye to it, pretending it never existed.

Meanwhile, Axios, after a year-long, in-depth investigation, discovered that beginning in 2011, Fang Fang, an alleged Chinese female spy, gained access to U.S. politicians through campaign fundraising and romantic or sexual relationships.

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) was one of Fang’s key targets. However, protected by Democratic leaders, he still holds an important position on the House Intelligence Committee.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been blamed for a large number of senior deaths in nursing homes due to his mishandling of the pandemic, while several women have accused him of sexual harassment, including a former secretary. California Gov. Gavin Newsom was caught in various corruption scandals and political misconduct, and the “Recall Gavin 2020” campaign has collected over 2 million signatures. But Democratic leadership has harbored both of them.

Such practice reflects how degenerated this party is. Although the Democratic Party has been abandoned by the backbone of society—small and medium-sized business owners and working-class citizens—it is capable of unifying its members and hence demonstrating strong political power. Why is that so? Harboring each other’s shortcomings and crimes is a strong force that glues the party together.

The Republican Party certainly must not degenerate itself in the same way. Republicans need to realize that lack of unity and failure to protect the legal rights of their voters will place them at a disadvantage in their struggle with the Democrats.

When tech companies suppress conservative speech, when conservative employees or lawmakers are fired, and when banks freeze accounts belonging to conservative customers, the Republican Party often fails to provide proper support to the victims. When Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia was expelled from various congressional committees because she opposed political correctness, the Republicans failed to fully back her. These phenomena, which have become the new norm in American society, are the very reason why the GOP lacks unity.

To put it bluntly, Republicans in some swing states aided the Democrats’ manipulation of the 2020 general election. This is an important reason why the Democratic Party was successful. Then, after the election, as the Trump campaign team and supporters sought to illustrate the voter and election fraud, some Republicans abandoned Trump and sided with the Democrats. The situation continued to worsen and the Republicans have basically lost the ability to compete with the Democrats at the present stage.

The Conservative Political Action Conference in Florida was the beginning of a reunification. The Republican Party must also strengthen its local-level organization and mobilization capabilities for its campaign activities to meet the needs and changes of a technological age. For instance, it needs to establish new social media platforms to be able to influence public opinions.

If the Republican Party wishes to lead its 74 million voters to take back the White House, they will have to learn from their opponents’ strategy and tactics.

He Qinglian is a prominent Chinese author and economist. Currently based in the United States, she authored “China’s Pitfalls,” which concerns corruption in China’s economic reform of the 1990s, and “The Fog of Censorship: Media Control in China,” which addresses the manipulation and restriction of the press. She regularly writes on contemporary Chinese social and economic issues.
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
He Qinglian is a prominent Chinese author and economist. Currently based in the United States, she authored “China’s Pitfalls,” which concerns corruption in China’s economic reform of the 1990s, and “The Fog of Censorship: Media Control in China,” which addresses the manipulation and restriction of the press. She regularly writes on contemporary Chinese social and economic issues.
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