3 Warfares Applied to Politics
The communist Chinese defined media warfare as “constant, ongoing activity aimed at long-term influence of perceptions and attitudes.” These are the objectives of media warfare: “preserve friendly morale; generate public support at home and abroad; weaken an enemy’s will to fight and alter an enemy’s situational assessment.”Psychological warfare involves using political “pressure, rumor, false narratives, and harassment” to influence one’s political adversaries, while legal warfare exploits the legal system and its bureaucracy to achieve designated political objectives.

A key long-term Democrat objective of this media warfare campaign was to psychologically poison the electorate against Trump such that a significant portion of the American people would never believe anything Trump might say on any topic or issue (this is psychological warfare). This objective has been achieved because there remains a core of Americans who still believe that Trump colluded with Russia and is a “criminal” who should be prosecuted for any number of the crimes for which Democrats have tried and failed to indict him (thus far). In short, there are Americans who have been psychologically conditioned to believe virtually any Democrat media accusation against Trump, no matter how outlandish.
Isn’t that convenient now that the election is over, and the story served its purpose of motivating the Democrat base to turn out and vote? This gambit amounted to all three elements of Three Warfares: legal, media, and psychological!

At what point will Americans automatically reject out of hand the next Democrat media false narrative? Surely, that day is coming soon!
Democrat Political Narratives in 2022
The pre-election media narrative predicted a Republican wave based on the polling that showed Republicans were more in tune with the issues that were most important to the voters. The issues of the economy, inflation, and crime dwarfed all others in polls leading up to the election. Despite the efforts of media-controlled polls to depress Republican turnout, the generic congressional vote polling also shifted dramatically toward Republicans in the waning days of the campaign, with Real Clear Politics polling averages giving Republicans a 4.5 percent advantage.The Democrats’ election narratives involved topic-shifting as a major strategy. Since they couldn’t run on their record on the economy, inflation, and crime, the Democrats endlessly preached about the need to “save our democracy” and to restore abortion as the law of the land as the twin pillars of their political campaign. Save our democracy meant saving Democrats from being kicked to the curb by Trump-supporting America First voters, and the Dobbs decision reinforced the Democrats’ hatred of Trump in general since his three Supreme Court nominations made that verdict possible. Through these two narratives, the Democrats counted on the long-term effects of their Three Warfares campaign against Trump to motivate their base.
Post-Election Narratives
Does it make sense that voters who feel the pain daily of high inflation and gasoline prices somehow voted to keep Democrats in control of the Senate? That saving our democrats and support for infanticide were the two issues that made the difference during the midterm elections when families were struggling to pay the rent and put food on the table?The Democrat media strategy from Nov. 9 onward was to declare victories for Democrats early while delaying the announcement of Republican victories for as long as possible to establish key Democrat political narratives: that there was no Republican wave, Trump “lost the election,” Ron DeSantis has replaced Trump as the leader of the Republican Party, and Trump should not run for president in 2024. And the obligatory media polls have been dutifully manufactured to support those Democrat narratives.

The Democrat narrative has been that millennial women made the difference in the election—that the abortion narrative endlessly repeated during the campaign turned out young women in unprecedented numbers to tip close elections to the Democrats. Is that a believable narrative or just another Democrat lie that obfuscates the truth?
With ballot harvesting in play in all the swing states, no one will ever know the real will of the voters. The closest glimpse of reality was the Republican sweep of national and statewide offices in Florida and North Carolina, where ballot harvesting is illegal and strong voter ID requirements are enforced. Their results somehow matched election predictions, but that didn’t happen in states that authorized ballot harvesting.
Concluding Thoughts
The Democrats completely control the corporate media narrative, and they practice media warfare against their Republican adversaries every day of the year. This year’s pre- and post-election political narratives were and are all in lockstep with Democrat political objectives, the most important of which is to thwart Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign through psychological, legal, and—most importantly—media warfare.The midterm elections are (nearly) over, subject to last-minute counting and probably recounts. The Democrat media complex’s employment of the Three Warfares against the hapless Republican Party paid dividends in staving off what should have been devastating Democrat losses in Congress. And they were able to pull it off by completely avoiding discussion of what really made the difference: ballot harvesting and the weakening of election integrity laws in many states.