David Krayden: The Million-Person March Against Gender Ideology Is a Force for Uniting People of Faith

David Krayden: The Million-Person March Against Gender Ideology Is a Force for Uniting People of Faith
A large crowd of protesters in Ottawa gather outside Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Ottawa office on June 24, 2023, to protest teachings about gender ideology in schools. (Jonathan Ren/The Epoch Times)
David Krayden

Can an Ottawa businessman and Muslim activist successfully organize a million-person march to protest gender ideology in Canadian schools?

Yes, because Kamel El-Cheikh has a Canada-wide network stretching from Vancouver to Halifax and he’s asking not just his fellow Muslims to march in protest but people of all faiths. In doing so, he is shaping a juggernaut of political opposition to the radical LGBTQ policies of federal and provincial governments across Canada that are insisting children be allowed to change their gender without parental consent and be exposed to a perverse cornucopia of sexual fetishism and pornography.

And so the 1 Million March For Children is slated for Sept. 20.

El-Cheikh, along with other Muslim parents, have demonstrated just how outraged Muslims are about gender ideology indoctrination and forcing children to acknowledge “Pride Month.”

He told me that Muslim children are being explicitly targeted with literature that suggests there is no contradiction with following their religion and being “queer.”

At one demonstration, El-Cheikh led a contingent to the doors of the Prime Minister’s Office on Wellington St. and demanded that the “Pride” flags be removed from the building after they had replaced two Canadian flags that usually adorn the entrance.

Some may think that was an inappropriate but if you consider that this flag has become a symbol of theological and ideological oppression and is really an emblem of hatred against people of all faiths who don’t subscribe to the pan-sexual world view of the LGBTQ agenda, it might have been a very appropriate reaction.

When Muslims began pushing back on gender ideology, I said at the time that it would create tremendous internal conflict for the left as they struggled with the question of whether alleged homophobia trumped presumed Islamophobia—or was it the reverse?

In a country forced to be defined by identity politics, questions like these are crucial. That is precisely why Muslims have, up till now, been allowed to criticize social policies. Because the federal government has defined them—incorrectly of course—as victims and alienated from the Christian majority.

But with Muslims taking positions opposed by the left, clearly the left is prepared to dismiss them as adherents of a regressive and oppressive religion that has no place in Canada.

Angry leftists have also attacked Dr. Bahira Abdulsalam, who ran for mayor of Toronto. A social media group calling itself “Women Against Poilievre” has been relentless in its persecution of Abdulsalam. One tweet suggested that “At this point, ALL MUSLIMS SHOULD LEAVE CANADA. No way will we let you make Canada into the religious state that you want.”

But isn’t that Islamophobia? I thought “diversity is our strength.”

The prime minister attempted to quell the growing unrest in the Muslim population by suggesting that those parents resisting gender ideology in the schools were being misled by “misinformation and disinformation” by the “far-right” and the “American right-wing.”

An Edmonton teacher confronted Muslim resistance to gender ideology by telling her students, “You don’t belong here.” She said you “can’t be Canadian” if you don’t support Pride Month.

An elementary school teacher in Windsor, Ontario, repeatedly told students who missed “Pride Day” that they were “disgusting” and that their act had constituted “an incredible show of hatred.”

On social media, the LGBTQ mafia are targeting Muslims with some absolutely incredible expressions of hatred that are apparently going unread or unnoticed by the platform censors who are so quick to redact conservative posts or expel conservative pundits for the least violation of “community standards.”

Ironically, by suggesting all Muslims are un-Canadian, or terrorists, or trying to subvert Canadian justice with Sharia law, the left has adopted the talking points of the far-right extremists who vented their fury at all Muslims in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

It is true that so-called progressives have shown animosity towards Christians and were Christophobic long before they became Islamophobic. They have insisted that opposing New Age sexuality is simply a bigoted impulse, deserving of little more than a hate crime charge or a trip to the local human rights tribunal.

But Canadian Christians—whether conservative Catholics or evangelicals—have shown themselves to be shockingly subservient to the increasing attacks on their faith. They have not insisted that Canada’s shameful lack of an abortion law that amounts to unrestricted abortion on demand throughout a woman’s pregnancy be subject to public debate in federal or provincial elections.

I applaud the courage and moxie of these Canadian Muslims for reminding all people of faith that we don’t have to lie down before the steamroller of authoritarian government.

I don’t know how many times I have been sitting in a church and heard a pastor laud how blessed we are to live in a country with such religious freedom. What a crock. Pastor Artur Pawlowski will be sentenced next week for preaching to Freedom Convoy protesters. Not a single member of the House of Commons has come to his defence.

Freedom of religion is intrinsic to any democracy but it is intimately related to freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and freedom of conscience. Stop telling me that issues are settled because politicians today say they are. Stop telling me that the morality outlined in religious text must be superseded by the sexual fetishes of the moment.

When faith is no longer valued as even an incidental in the life or the nation, let alone the foundation of that nation, we are in grave trouble.

Gender ideology in schools must not be imposed on unwilling subjects.

Justin Trudeau loves to talk about how we live in consequential times. Well, deciding to change your gender at age 12 is very consequential. Children can’t vote, drive, or drink alcohol, and they shouldn’t be making decisions like this either.

Editor’s note: This article was corrected to indicate that Dr. Bahira Abdulsalam was a candidate in the recent Toronto mayoral election. 

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
David Krayden graduated from Carleton University's School of Journalism and served with the Air Force in public affairs before working on Parliament Hill as a legislative assistant and communications advisor. As a journalist he has been a weekly columnist for the Calgary Herald, Ottawa Sun, and iPolitics.
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