Dave Chappelle: Breaking the Media Barrier Inside America’s Entertainment Bubble

Dave Chappelle: Breaking the Media Barrier Inside America’s Entertainment Bubble
Dave Chappelle speaks onstage during the 36th Annual Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony at Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse in Cleveland, Ohio on Oct. 30, 2021. (Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame )
Jennifer Bilek

Since the Oct. 20 walk out at Netflix over comedian Dave Chappelle’s “The Closer” performance, in which he dared to joke about transgenderism, Chappelle has not only not backed down and apologized for his performance, he’s upped the ante.

At a recent speech he gave to induct rapper Jay-Z into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Chappelle pretended to read from a piece of paper. He started, “I would like to apologize — Nah, I’m just [expletive deleted] with y'all.”

Now THAT was funny!

Every famous person in America, who has been attacked for being transphobic in one way or another, winds up walking their statements back and/or apologizing to the gender brigade but Chappelle refuses to submit. Plus, he is funny!

He has given all of us permission to laugh again, to make jokes, and it is catching on all over social media. He even quips about those demonizing him on social media, claiming he doesn’t care because Twitter is not a real place.

There has NOT been one famous person that has come along, to support those of us resisting the gender industry, that has been able to penetrate the mainstream consciousness like Chappelle. Pop culture fame matters in America, as it does nowhere else in the world, and it is relevant to Chappelle’s ability to break the media barrier around this issue.

Though Martina Navratilova and J.K. Rowling are huge cultural icons who’ve spoken out about the gender industry, their expressed public concerns for women’s rights were unable to help the mainstream understand the threat that the gender industry poses.

These two white women from the wealthiest nations in the world crying over their rights, in the face of a technologically engineered media blitzkrieg of propaganda about a suffering minority committing suicide in droves, and who are being murdered across the world, don’t cultivate a lot of understanding.

Plus, they both made apologies to “trans” rights activists who were upset by their statements, which is like bleeding from a wound in the middle of a feeding frenzy of sharks. Navratilova directly apologized and Rowling made such a sympathetic statement of explanation of her expressed views that she might as well have apologized.
The difference is, Chappelle, though he probably understands little about the threat to women’s rights posed by this techno-religious cult, managed to get to the very root of this agenda in his performance. Calling out the fascistic underpinnings of a movement that compels everyone to adhere to its dictates, he exposed powerful corporate interests with the intent of shutting down his speech.
He inspired other (mostly male) comedians to start talking about this issue and to make fun of it. “My issue,” he said, “is not with the LGBTQ community, but about corporate interests, and what I can and cannot say.”

What Chappelle has done, is working to drag the gender industry out of the box of “women’s rights vs trans rights,” and shine a bright light on the state power driving it.

He gets the subtext of what is going on, that it isn’t about conflicting rights but that rich, white men’s speech is the only speech that matters, while they all scream about diversity and inclusion. Chappelle gets that the only reason this is an issue in society, is because there is big money behind this industry.

Chappelle’s influence around this issue, could not have happened anywhere else in the world. America exists inside an entertainment bubble, that is incomprehensible to those on the outside. The influence Hollywood and pop culture have can’t be underestimated. Hollywood, since its beginning, has been intrinsically entwined with politics.

Gender ideology now permeates our movies, reality TV shows, music, and all aspects of social media, galvanizing its social acceptance as a lifestyle, even as it shreds our first amendment rights to free speech, censoring individuals and media platforms from examining its dictates critically.

Those who live in Hollywood are particularly vulnerable to the entertainment bubble’s capture, by living within its insular bounds, with the messages conveyed there. This is what makes Chappelle a unique character at this political juncture.

Three years ago, popular Canadian Jordan Peterson was catapulted to fame for refusing to bow to the compelled speech his university was attempting to dictate. Meghan Murphy, another Canadian and a spokeswoman for feminists, was deeply focused on this angle as well.

However, Canada does not exist in an entertainment bubble the way America does and neither of these two are particularly funny.

Now that Chappelle has broken the media barrier inside America’s entertainment bubble anything is possible.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Jennifer Bilek is an artist and investigative journalist tracking the forces behind the gender identity industry. She writes at The 11th Hour Blog.
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