Close Cousins: The CCP and Terrorist Organizations

Close Cousins: The CCP and Terrorist Organizations
Members of the Palestine Liberation Organization read copies of quotations from Mao Zedong’s Little Red Book in Jordan in 1970. (Rolls Press/Popperfoto via Getty Images)
Tamuz Itai

“Birds of a feather flock together,” so goes the saying.

It’s known that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) supports Iran and other sponsors of terrorism, which, in turn, support terror groups such as Hamas.

In the latest round of conflict, the CCP has actually come out in support of Hamas and against Israel, dashing long-standing hopes of successive Israeli governments that if they just make nice with the CCP, it won’t be as supportive of Israel’s enemies.

Michael Pillsbury, a China expert and envoy for many U.S. administrations going as far back as U.S. President Richard Nixon’s, recalled in an interview with The Epoch Times that a Russian spy once told him when President Nixon was getting close with the CCP:

“They screwed us over, and they will do the same to you.”

The CCP is happy to support as much chaos as possible to weaken the United States and countries that still support freedom. Israeli leaders, and other countries’ leaders, have, for years, been acting like teenagers who think it’s all about them, not wishing to see the true big picture. In its long march to dethrone the United States, the CCP will always support U.S. enemies. One hopes that the past few weeks would at least serve as a horrible wake-up call.

Actually, there are similarities between the CCP and terrorist organizations that go much deeper. Both creatures have a similar nature, one different from that of normal countries and organizations. Both creatures have similar “fingerprints.”

To confuse the populace, both the CCP and terrorist organizations conflate themselves with the state:

“The CCP is China.”

“Hamas represents the Palestinian people.”

And so, the warped logic goes. If you’re a patriotic Chinese, then you have to support the CCP and everything it does. If you so much as doubt some actions of the CCP, you then become a traitor to China.

It’s the exact same with terrorist organizations and totalitarian regimes: If you’re a patriotic Palestinian, you have to support Hamas and everything it does. If you don’t support some actions by Hamas, you’re a disloyal traitor to the Palestinian people.

In normal countries, both citizens and foreigners can easily distinguish between a country, its people, and whichever government is in power.

The CCP cares not for its citizens. It treats them as property, to do with them as it pleases, and dispose of them as needed. In its long infamous history, even before COVID-19, about 90 million citizens died of unnatural causes during its more than 70 years in power. CCP leaders aren’t bothered by the prospect of losing half of China’s population in a potential war with the United States. Terrorist organizations likewise treat their own citizens as property and tools. They hide military assets under schools and hospitals to put their opponents in zugzwang—retaliate and you kill civilians, don’t retaliate and we win this round—and the more civilians hurt, the better the propaganda.

There’s no real way to close a long-term deal or reach peace with such entities, since the only acceptable “end-goal” of both the CCP and terrorist organizations is the complete annihilation and subjugation of their enemies. Any deal is only a temporary state used to stave off disaster and regroup. The only ones honoring such deals are Western democracies, which have been duped time and time again.

The only morality is the endless struggle to “create the communist utopia and free the proletariat from oppression” or for Hamas to “free the Palestinian people.” In pursuit of this stated cause, any and all means are viable, and even considered moral, to use. If need be, the appropriate party or theocratic authority would issue a permit. The struggle isn’t just with external enemies but also against internal enemies and must be violent and continuous.

From an early age, children are captured and indoctrinated with the ideology of hate and struggle. The stories of children ratting out their parents during the Cultural Revolution and the videos of young children in Gaza proudly aspiring to kill all the Jews are equally abominable.

As in many other corrupt dictatorships, money and resources meant for the people are siphoned off by leadership at different levels, leaving huge swaths of the populace in unnecessary squalor and benefiting the few—from the billionaire children of CCP leaders to multimillionaire Hamas leaders living in Qatar in luxury and using private jets—while the dictatorships keep preaching piety and sacrifice.

Both kinds of entities use people’s real suffering and desperation, which is why their propaganda is effective, but the medicine offered is worse than the disease. And it corrupts and destroys the societies that it claims it’s trying to “heal.”

The above and other similarities aren’t that surprising considering that the “original” terrorist organizations were raised by Soviet Russia to wreak havoc on the West. And even though Hamas is ostensibly a religion-based organization, it has inherited most of the traits of the communist specter.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Tamuz Itai is a journalist and columnist who lives in Tel Aviv, Israel.
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