Climate Crisis Proponents Want to Criminalize Climate Change Doubts

Could voicing an opinion that questions the facts and fictions that surround the climate change hysteria soon become illegal?
Climate Crisis Proponents Want to Criminalize Climate Change Doubts
James Gorrie


Climate militants seek to criminalize any opinion or facts contrary to the religion of climate change.

Will the wrong ideas about climate change get you fined, jailed, or even worse?

Could voicing an opinion that questions the facts and fictions that surround the climate change hysteria soon become illegal, as in lawfully forbidden and a criminal offense?

It’s looking like that may become the reality sooner rather than later.

It would be one thing if such a monstrous idea were restricted to a small minority of powerless climate change fanatics, tree huggers, and earth worshippers. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case.

What’s more, this unbelievable and un-American notion is so irrational that it seems impossible to believe.

Believe it.

Demonizing Independent Thinking

In fact, even U.S. special climate envoy John Kerry has demonized opinions contrary to the climate change dogma and categorized those people who express such opinions as threats to humanity.
“While they refuse to accept the facts behind increasingly obvious damages, which the first minister listed, they lash out at the truth-tellers instead and label indisputable evidence as hysteria,” Mr. Kerry said during a speech in Scotland.

“They compound the already difficult challenge of the climate crisis by promising to do more of exactly what created this crisis in the first place. So now humanity is inexorably threatened by humanity itself, by those seducing people into buying into a completely fictitious, alternative reality, where we don’t need to act and we don’t even need to care.”

Of course, by far, the greatest threat to humanity has always been humanity itself. This has become especially true in the nuclear age and the era of industrial warfare, bioweapons, and other weapons of mass destruction. Mr. Kerry’s pronouncement of “humanity threatening humanity” is meant to engender an emotional effect rather than to describe some new or unusual circumstance that attaches only to those who question the claims of climate change extremists.

But Mr. Kerry isn’t the only one seeking to disenfranchise Americans of their right to free speech and thought.

UNESCO: Questioning the Science a Threat to Humanity

The United Nations published an article in 2019 asserting that not only is your carbon footprint a threat to the world as we know it, but your words are too. According to the UNESCO magazine, anyone questioning the pseudoscience of man-made climate change or challenging the quasi-religious tenets of decarbonization is a direct threat to the planet and puts humanity at risk of extinction.

That simply isn’t credible. Don’t nuclear weapons in the hands of Iranian mullahs or the escalating war between Russia and Ukraine pose a greater danger to humanity than a person’s ideas?

Isn’t China’s aggression in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond what needs to be contained and stopped before our right to free speech?

Doesn’t the Biden administration’s cavalier expansion of its proxy war against Russia via NATO pose a greater risk to the world than doubts about the risks of carbon dioxide levels?

And what about the rapidly advancing power of artificial intelligence that, according to Elon Musk, is threatening the future of mankind?

Come on, man! None of these high-risk, potentially apocalyptic situations compare with your or my, or even a business owner’s, expressing doubts about the unfounded claims of climate change.

Climate Crisis Proponents View Conservative Americans as Criminals

If it sounds ridiculous and untrue, that’s because it is.
But that doesn’t matter to the U.N. According to the UNESCO article, doubters of climate change pose an existential threat to humanity. Consequently, anyone questioning “the science” of climate change is guilty of end-of-the-world triggering language and must be silenced, come hell or high water.

“Should we use criminal law to tackle climate change? The current generation of people alive in the Anthropocene is capable of damaging and degrading the environment in ways that could make humanity go extinct. Postericide is a morally required response to humanity’s changed circumstances in the Anthropocene,” the article in The UNESCO Courier magazine reads.

Note the special language used to justify violating our rights as Americans. “Anthropocene,” by the way, refers to the era in which human activity has had an effect on the planet, otherwise known as the post-industrialization era. Postercide is a new international criminal offense that has to do with those nonconforming people and groups, such as conservatives in the United States, that are somehow putting the entire planet at risk and should therefore be subject to international criminal law.

Is the Biden Administration Abolishing the Bill of Rights?

One may be forgiven for wondering whether it’s the extra carbon of the words as they’re spoken, the words themselves, or possibly both that pose the greatest offense.

Actually, it doesn’t matter. The key point is that it appears that neither the Biden administration nor the U.N. seems to have any regard for the Bill of Rights that Americans freely enjoy and exercise. In fact, by the sound of it, it would seem that our constitutional rights will soon be no longer valid, if they haven’t been scrapped already.

Given that neither Mr. Kerry nor UNESCO seems to have any qualms about calling for the abolition of our rights as Americans with nary a whimper from the mainstream media, how could anyone come to any other conclusion?

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
James R. Gorrie is the author of “The China Crisis” (Wiley, 2013) and writes on his blog, He is based in Southern California.
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