Disagreements often lead to insults. When I was a kid, when one of us thought another was “all wet” (wrong), the favored insult was, “Your mother wears army boots.”
Silly, wasn’t it?
The equivalent barb for adult (not necessarily grown-up) intellectuals is to call someone with whom they disagree an “ideologue.” While ideologue has a non-emotive meaning (“a person who believes very strongly in particular principles”), when used as an epithet, it’s an insult. It brands one’s opponent as dogmatic, impervious to reason, closed-minded, and unwilling to reconsider one’s beliefs in light of facts and evidence.
Climate Models and Flawed Predictions
First, consider climate change models. There’s a methodological split, if not an ideological schism, here. The IPCC and journalists who predict climate-related catastrophes cite climate change computer models. I don’t know the current count of such models, but a few years ago, there were 102.Those models share a common problem: When scientists back-test those models by entering known data from recent decades, it turns out that actual global temperature rises far more slowly than the models say it should. (The one model that predicts the least warming is a Russian model, in which CO2 is modeled to have much less influence on temperature than the other models assign to it.)
So, who are the ideologues—the scientists who cite facts and real-world evidence, or the scientists who insist that we base our public policies on models that aren’t validated by observed facts?
Second, look at the track record of those predicting climate catastrophes. Such alarming predictions have been going on for the past 50 years. Dozens of supposed deadlines have passed without one of the catastrophist predictions yet coming close to happening.
One IPCC report unequivocally stated that “long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible” because “the climate system is a coupled nonlinear chaotic system.”
Pre-Selected Agenda
If an “ideologue” is someone who pursues a pre-selected agenda under false pretenses, then consider the following statements by some of the powerful climate change movers and shakers:Despite the obvious priority that key players in the climate change movement place on political and economic objectives over scientific concerns, fellow-traveling journalists have insisted vehemently that “deniers” must not only concede a need for a massive top-down restructuring of nations’ economies, but also accept as indisputable truth the unproven “scientific” theories and opinions adopted by the IPCC.
This reeks of totalitarianism.
They want everyone to submit to the elite’s grand plans and dutifully and unquestioningly recite their official catechism. They demand that we think what they tell us to think. They’re force-feeding us a green version of Mao’s “Little Red Book.”
Leftist ideology is the only reasonable explanation for why the IPCC repeatedly criticizes the United States while treating the People’s Republic of China with kid gloves.
How ironic—no, cynical—that the Chinese regime had the brazenness to tell September’s U.N. climate change summit that they are “entitled” to monetary support for addressing climate change.
The evidence that a leftist political ideology permeates the climate change movement is abundant. While the ability to forecast future climate conditions will continue to elude us (as the IPCC has stated), it’s safe to predict that life for the common man will take a radical turn for the worse if the peoples of the world let political elites amass the power they crave to restructure economies and redesign human society.
Power-hungry elitist ideologues pose a clear and present danger to human beings.