Thorburn, who has had a distinguished career in business, including six years as CEO of the National Australia Bank, said he was forced to step down from Essendon because of his role as a church chairman.
“I was being required to compromise beyond a level that my conscience allowed,” he said.
“People should be able to hold different views on complex personal and moral matters, and be able to live and work together, even with those differences, and always with respect. Behaviour is the key. This is an important part of a tolerant and diverse society.”
Unfortunately, it seems, tolerance is no longer extended to those of the Christian faith. The seven players from the Manly rugby league club in Sydney who objected to wearing “pride” jerseys, are Polynesians and devout Christians, and were roundly criticised for their stance.

Accepting Views You Disagree With
As Senator Matt Canavan told Channel Nine’s, Today Show: “In our community, we have to accept everyone’s view, even if we disagree with them.”“Hurt feelings should not lead to people losing their jobs. And good on to Andrew Thorburn for having the courage to stick by his religious convictions, giving up what is his dream job and we need to stand up against the bullies who tell us what we can believe.”
Thorburn’s church has an article on its website from 2013 titled “Surviving Same Sex Attraction as a Christian.” It is a mainstream Christian belief that marriage is between a man and a woman. This belief is also reflected in Judaism and Islam, among other religions.
There was also indignation expressed over a sermon on the church website in which abortion was compared to the destruction of life in concentration camps. The traditional Christian view of abortion is that it involves the destruction of innocent human lives.
Indeed, issues such as abortion, euthanasia, and who can marry are, by their very nature, divisive. Perfectly reasonable people will disagree on them, for this is the essence of living in a democracy.
As Canavan stated, “a lot of people” in Australia “don’t agree with abortion” and identified himself as one.
In the Pursuit of a Liberal Society, We’ve Become Illiberal
The fact is that the fundamental mission of Christianity is counter to modern cultural trends, which is one reason why the secular society finds its teachings so unpalatable.According to the Bible, Jesus told his disciples at the Last Supper (St John 15: 18-20): “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before you. If you belonged to the world, the world would know you for its own and love you; it is because you do not belong to the world, because I have singled you out from the midst of the world, that the world hates you.”
Those who have expressed such outrage at Thorburn’s views also forget that it was Christianity that gave us the idea of the inherent dignity of each person, as well as ideas of tolerance and equality before the law.

Thus, everybody, as a consequence, now has to go through life always fearful of giving offence. There is no longer any room for independent thought and free and open debate.
What is more, while it is illegal to ask a job applicant about his or her religious affiliations if any, it seems, perversely, it is now legitimate to sack him or her on account of said affiliation.
The usual measure of success in a sporting club is whether it wins more games than it loses. Essendon, in hiring Andrew Thorburn, must have surely believed that he was the best person to enable them to do that.
That generally is the decision made when a person is hired: that he or she is the best person for the job.
Now, it seems no matter how good you are at what you do, no matter how distinguished a career you have had, if you are a Christian, you need not apply.