That’s not a problem for Pharma. There are plenty of other workarounds to promote drugs without direct ad spend.

1. Pharma Pays for Market Research

2. Pharma Crafts Results Into Press Release Urging Take Up of the Target Product, Forwards to News Syndicator
Ideally, the press release does not appear on Pharma’s regular media page, as it’s important that this looks like organic news coming from a trusted news source, not the marketing campaign that it is.3. News Syndicator Lightly Edits Press Release, Publishes as News

Quotes from experts obliquely recommending the product should be inserted. This can be done either at stage #2 or #3. Use framing as a device to minimise the appearance of experts and media being seen to overtly give health advice or push Pharma products. Frame low vaccination uptake as a problem, followed by experts calling on the public to “take precautions” (i.e., the solution), accompanied by images of vaccination (i.e., precaution/solution).
Voila! A plethora of advertorials disguised as “local news” for the small price of conducting a public poll. This format is adaptable to all major industries—Big Energy, Big Agriculture, Big Food, and so on. Like mRNA tech, just plug and play.