Biden, Newsom Conspire to Implement Radical Open-Border Plan

Biden, Newsom Conspire to Implement Radical Open-Border Plan
U.S. President Joe Biden and California Gov. Gavin Newsom wave to the crowd at Long Beach City College in Long Beach, Calif., on Sept. 13, 2021. (David McNew/Getty Images)
James Breslo

Amid the biggest border crisis in generations, California Gov. Gavin Newsom plans to pour gas on the fire. As part of his new budget, he announced that California will offer illegal immigrants free food and health care. In so doing, he’s sending a loud and clear message to those considering joining the masses illegally crossing our southern border: California is here to welcome you with free stuff.

The benefits are on top of the free education for your children and the guarantee that many will be safe from deportation, which California already had in place. (Illegal immigrants are often safe from deportation even if they are arrested, convicted, and serve time in a California prison—many are released without ever being asked their immigration status.)

Most incredible about the new benefits is that there are no limitations on who can qualify. Those who illegally cross the border tomorrow still qualify!

In the past, the question of how to deal with the illegal immigration problem has been a thorny one for both sides. Conservatives reluctantly acknowledge that deporting all illegal immigrants isn’t practical, and also concede that having millions essentially living underground, and not paying taxes, isn’t healthy for a society. Meanwhile, liberals also acknowledge that they can’t demand a path to legal residency, or citizenship, without restricting it to those already here—otherwise, it will only encourage more to come.

Thus, virtually every bipartisan solution proposed to provide a pathway to legal status has applied only to people who entered the country before a certain date and has been coupled with increased border security to finally and effectively end illegal immigration. Any other plan would encourage more illegal immigration and thus not address the problem.

But Democrats are no longer liberals, they are progressives. And progressives don’t think that America should have borders. They don’t want a solution to more illegal immigration. They want more illegal immigration! So, they offer benefits to those yet to come as a carrot.

This is the grand conspiracy between President Joe Biden and Newsom. They are working together to implement their collectivist, globalist, socialist, “America Last” agenda. Newsom lures them to come with the promise of sanctuary and free food, health care, and education, and Biden leaves the door open.

They learned this scheme from the globalist European Union, which, in 2015–2016, allowed millions of so-called asylum-seekers to enter (even though most didn’t qualify for asylum) and provided them with a host of benefits upon arrival.

Biden opened the door by ending President Donald Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy. The Supreme Court recently ruled that Biden wasn’t required to maintain that policy because the law states merely that the government “may” return asylum-seekers to Mexico, not must. However, the law also states that asylum-seekers “shall be detained” as they await their hearing. The Biden administration is blatantly violating that provision.

Of course, Biden couldn’t implement the second part since providing federal benefits to illegal immigrants would require changing federal law. But that’s where Newsom comes in, offering such benefits from the country’s largest state.

And if he gets his way, he will soon attempt to implement it across the nation as president. We know he plans to run because Biden is physically incapable of running, Biden has no support, even within his own party, Newsom has started running campaign ads in Florida where his likely opponent resides (DeSantis or Trump), and he’s been running for president his whole adult life.

If you think a lethargic President Biden is bad, the prospect of an energetic President Newsom is far scarier.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
James Breslo is an attorney and host of the “Hidden Truth Show” podcast. He is a former partner at the international law firm Seyfarth Shaw and public company president. He has appeared numerous times as a legal expert on Fox News and CNN, and serves on the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 Public Diplomacy committee.
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