Attaining Optimum Health in Today’s World

Attaining Optimum Health in Today’s World
A break of sunshine hits after days of high winds and rain in Newport Beach, Calif., on March 2, 2023. John Fredricks/The Epoch Times
Christian Milord

Have you ever wondered what outstanding health feels and looks like? If you reside in a fast-paced urban environment or a slower-moving rural setting, your health ought to be a high priority to successfully navigate the slings and arrows of life. Not only do I pen this essay for the readers, but I must remind myself daily to adhere to the habits of a healthy lifestyle lest I fall by the wayside.

Great health starts in the mind. Without goals or a purpose, we can drift from one event to another aimlessly. If you wake up each day with a purpose, that is a solid first step toward achieving positive health. In his fine book, “The Purpose Driven Life,” Saddleback Church pastor emeritus Rick Warren details the constructive values of a life of purpose devoted to spiritual principles. No purpose is perfect, but it surpasses a life without a plan.

While no one is totally satisfied with the body that was gifted to them by God and their parents, we can learn to embrace the positives and work on the aspects that can be improved upon. If you tend toward obesity, don’t celebrate it as many Gen Z and Millennial marketers do. Being overweight is not something to be proud of, because it is harmful to your internal organs, joints, and muscles and can trigger diabetes. Strive to shake sedentary habits through a healthy diet and daily exercise. Periodic fasting and relaxed sleep can also clean out your system and clarify your total awareness.

A healthy diet would include beans, chicken, some dairy products, fish, fruits, nuts, seeds, plenty of water, vegetables, and whole grains. If you combine that with at least 30 minutes of daily exercise, your health will improve. Alternating exercises such as biking, running, skating, swimming, walking, and weights can help strengthen the musculoskeletal system. It can also improve your breathing, cardiovascular, circulatory, digestive, and nervous systems. Your body needs plenty of motion to stay healthy.

Moreover, abstain from alcohol and tobacco products as much as humanly possible. When needed, natural remedies are healthier than most pharmaceutical drugs due to the side effects of prescription drugs. Moreover, when artificial drugs are taken, they can impact our body, and folks have to be careful as to how they interact with other medications. Those who adhere to a balanced lifestyle usually don’t get sick as often, as they build a resilient immune system.

Another facet of a healthy lifestyle is the moderate use of electronic devices. Reasonable usage can help one develop greater situational awareness of the surrounding environment. It can also turn your attention toward reading books, journals, magazines, and newspapers instead of exhausting your senses on screen-time fixation. Moving beyond your bubble and exploring the natural world can help one discover a healthier reality. Also, turn off your devices 1-2 hours prior to bedtime for more restful sleep.

Along with the physical and social aspects of health, equally important are the mental and spiritual components. To be fully alive, it’s critical to stimulate our minds with an array of classes, as well as reading and writing. In many cases, people have discovered that an occupation can become a hobby and vice versa. Never stop learning, and you will always be growing because there’s always more to learn. Actively listen, set realistic goals, and enjoy the small pleasures in life.

In his book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” Stephen Covey delineates the qualities of autonomy, listening, purpose, and goal setting. This message is similar to pastors such as Franklin Graham, T.D. Jakes, David Jeremiah, Joel Osteen, and the late Norman Vincent Peale. They also discuss the value of a balanced life, positive thinking, and a moral compass of spiritual principles.

These spiritual principles include compassion, discipline, faith, generosity, gratitude, hope, prayer, service, and other virtues that can help us to move outside of ourselves to help others. Some of the most gratifying activities we can carry out involve volunteering to assist others in need. One can mentor students who want to improve their education, spend time at a food bank, care for those who have medical challenges, or counsel troubled teens who seek a purpose in life.

Whether we like it or not, troubles will periodically come our way. If you develop the discipline to pursue a healthy lifestyle, it will help you to handle anxiety and stress more effectively. A confident outlook will make it easier to resist temptations and endure suffering. Don’t sweat over the small stuff, and appreciate life’s daily blessings. If you are good to others and yourself, there’s no limit to what you can accomplish as you maintain excellent health.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Christian Milord
Christian Milord
Christian Milord is an Orange County, Calif.-based educator, mentor, USCG veteran, and writer. He earned his master's degree from California State University–Fullerton, where he mentors student groups and is involved with literacy programs. His interests include culture, economics, education, domestic, and foreign policy, as well as military issues.
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