Are We the Last Generation of Humans?

Are We the Last Generation of Humans?
An AI robot with a humanistic face is pictured during a photocall to promote the "AI: More Than Human" exhibition at the Barbican Center in London on May 15, 2019. Ben Stansall/AFP via Getty Images
James Gorrie

Are you still human?

In the near future, such a question may become very relevant.

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According to Yuval Noah Harari, an Israeli historian and best-selling author of “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind,” “Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow,” and other books, your being merely human will one day become a big problem.
As an exclusively biological-based lifeform, humans may be on the verge of becoming “totally useless” to society, unable to adapt to the post-human world that’s soon to be brought forth.

A New AI Age of Transhumanism

Human beings, we’re now told by Harari via the very best, most informative, and up-to-date talk forums, such as TED Talks and others, just won’t cut it in the coming age of artificial intelligence (AI), genetic engineering, and transhumanism.
In the next stage of evolution, the next generation of human beings, Harari says with cold certainty, won’t be solely created biologically or even be fully human.
Homo Sapiens 2.0 will be man-made. And mind you, we humans won’t have a choice in the matter. We will, as the old survival of the fittest adage goes, “adapt or die.”

The gist of Harari’s vision of the imminent humanity paradigm shift is that people will need to cease being “just people.” Instead, we'll need to “evolve.”

By “evolve,” Harari means that humans must and will become digitally enhanced, genetically modified creatures with neural links to the internet. These “improvements” will result in the complete monitoring and even control of our lives, down to what we do and think—and even what we dream.
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I might add that Harari presented his words of warning with a strange sense of glee when he said that “we are the last generation of homo sapiens.”

From Human Beings to Homo Sapiens

As an aside, “homo sapiens” is Harari’s preferred term for human beings, and I think I know why. In evolutionary terms, homo sapiens is just one more link in the chain of human evolution over the millennia.
Aidan Meller looks at a painting by Ai-Da Robot, an ultra-realistic humanoid robot artist, during a press call at The British Library in London on April 4, 2022. (Hollie Adams/Getty Images)
Aidan Meller looks at a painting by Ai-Da Robot, an ultra-realistic humanoid robot artist, during a press call at The British Library in London on April 4, 2022. Hollie Adams/Getty Images

This “scientific” nomenclature has the intended effect of degrading humans to nothing more than just one more incidental step in evolution’s natural selection processes. As nothing more than products of evolution, humans have no right or claim to divine rights or to possessing any intrinsic value simply because of their humanity.

It makes it easier to treat people like cattle if you think that’s all they’re worth, which Harari apparently does.

Hackable Animals

Humans are hackable animals,” Harari has said in various interviews. That sounds quite bad no matter how you look at it.
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Ultimately, his dystopian evolutionary description of our soon-to-be-reality reflects his own atheistic, anti-religion (particularly Christianity), evolutionary, and transhumanism fanaticism.

Here are just a few examples of Harari’s projections of the new reality, which he said is already here and is just waiting to be implemented:

“We will control your thoughts and actions.”
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“Human beings will have to agree to complete surveillance, both in the outside world and beneath the skin.”
“The problem will be what to do with so many useless human beings.”

The picture Harari paints as our future is diabolical under even the most positive spin.

Perhaps the question first needs to be asked: “Who is ‘we?’”

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Does Harari’s “we” refer to the World Economic Forum (WEF), which is run by the Teutonic figure of Klaus Schwab? Harari is an adviser to Schwab.

So not only will we, according to Schwab, “own nothing and be happy,” but per Harari, we won’t even own ourselves, much less remain ourselves. Our humanity, apparently, is scheduled for genetic modification.

Will people belong to the emerging “Global Government” that the WEF is helping usher into the world?

Questions abound.

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Who will approve and enforce the idea of total surveillance in the world and under the skin?

When did we lowly homo sapiens agree to be hacked and tracked like livestock?

Will it be forced on us like some kind of “health mandate?” (Can we all read between the lines on that one? Good.)

Where does Harari get off announcing that this is how things will be?

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And what happens if one decides not to evolve or adapt? Then clearly, one doesn’t deserve to be a part of the next step in human evolution.

Is It Closer Than We Think?

Reading the post “Nanotechnology comes to life with needle-based human interface devices” on the Microsoft research blog site from 2016, it’s clear that beneath-the-skin surveillance isn’t a new idea.
More to the point, injecting nanoparticles to control human bodies at the cellular level has already been done to billions of people via the mRNA-based vaccines prescribed for the COVID-19 pandemic. Nanobots that navigate around the body will be here in a few years.
Furthermore, not only has the technology to genetically modify humans been around for years, but it’s being used today for all kinds of reasons.

As an atheist, Harari dismisses the possibility of the existence of the biblical God. And yet from a biblical perspective, human genetic alteration isn’t regarded as a positive development by God. Noah is described as a man “whose generations were perfect [genetics]” and as one who “walked with [believed in] God.”

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Oh, the irony.

Perhaps, more important questions should be asked.

Who’s Harari speaking for?

Is he a futurist fantasy guy spinning yarn to sell books? Or is he warming us up for the main event that may be even closer than he’s letting on?

Time will tell.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
James Gorrie
James Gorrie
James R. Gorrie is the author of “The China Crisis” (Wiley, 2013) and writes on his blog, He is based in Southern California.
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