In September 2022, the U.N. General Assembly adopted Resolution 75/1, which contains a declaration emphasising “the need to improve ... preparedness for not only health-related crises but also other challenges and crises.”
That being so, in September 2024, the organisation will be hosting “The Summit of the Future,” where member states will be invited to adopt an agreement that further consolidates globalist policy reforms offered over the past two years, including the notorious U.N. 2030 Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement.
“Our Common Agenda” is the United Nations’ vision for “strengthening global governance for present and future generations.”
Many radical proposals are contained in this important document, but the most important is the plan for a new “emergency platform” to respond to “complex global shocks.”
“A complex global shock” is vaguely described in this document as “an event with severely disruptive consequences for a significant proportion of the global population that leads to secondary impacts across multiple sectors.”
Hence, arrangements are proposed that should activate such an “emergency platform” in the event of any type of “complex global shock.”

It also proposes that the U.N. secretary-general be endowed with “authority to convene and operationalise automatically an Emergency Platform in the event of a future complex global shock of sufficient scale, severity and reach.”
Where Are the Checks and Balances?
The emergency platform could initially be instituted for a finite period to respond to a specific shock but could be extended “if required” by the secretary-general. “Seconded staff would constitute a task team responsible for operationalising the Emergency Platform and would provide all necessary forms of support for the duration of an Emergency Platform.”This basically means that the U.N. secretary-general would receive extraordinary powers that are, in principle, devoid of any legal-institutional limits, all without authorisation from the member states, to an emergency platform in place indefinitely.
The late Austrian-British economist and philosopher Friedrich Hayek, a Nobel Prize laureate, once offered this sobering reflection about the unending use of emergency powers:
“‘Emergencies’ have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded—and once they are suspended, it is not difficult for anyone who has assumed such emergency powers to see to it that the emergency will persist.”
We may therefore be witnessing the constitution of a tyrannical form of global governance.
What’s the Purpose
It goes without saying that Antonio Guterres, the U.N. secretary-general since 2017, is an active member of the Portuguese Socialist Party.
“Guterres seems more interested in saving the planet from climate change than war; he is also leading the organisation in its wealth redistribution agenda, with the Great Reset of capitalism (no mention of communism). ... As this is, fading climate change will regain its role as the new world threat.”
The implementation by the U.N. secretary-general of the emergency protocol could suspend any basic human right, thus granting a few global oligarchs the absolute power to do whatever they might deem necessary in response to “complex global shocks.”
Such suspension of basic human rights could be interpreted as perfectly valid in the face of “the type and nature of the crisis involved.”
In “Political Theology,” a book published in 1922, German legal philosopher Carl Schmitt contended that once such use of emergency power is deemed necessary, “the decision exempts the authority from every normative restraint and renders it absolute in the true sense of the word. In a state of emergency, the constituted authority suspends the law on the basis of the right to protect its own existence.”
To conclude, the implementation of the emergency platform would constitute the biggest step towards the establishment of a global tyranny based on the principles of international socialism. This would confer to a few individuals the extraordinary power to exercise absolute control over the lives of every person living in this world.
Above all, if the use of the “emergency platform” by the U.N. secretary-general becomes a reality, the world as we know it will cease to exist. We either stand for our basic rights and freedoms or risk losing everything come September 2024.