One in Five Dallas Trump Rally Registrants Was Democrat, Campaign Chair Says

One in Five Dallas Trump Rally Registrants Was Democrat, Campaign Chair Says
President Donald Trump arrives for a "Keep America Great" Campaign Rally at American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas, on Oct. 17, 2019. Tom Pennington/Getty Images
Petr Svab

More than one in five people who registered for President Donald Trump’s “Keep America Great” campaign rally in Dallas on Oct. 17 were Democrats, according to Trump’s campaign manager Brad Parscale.

Parscale, whose forte is data analysis, has posted breakdowns of data collected from the registrations from the past several rallies.

“Incredible data from last night’s Dallas rally,” he wrote in an Oct. 18 tweet.
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The data revealed that nearly 54,000 voters signed up for the event, with almost one in eight (12 percent) who didn’t vote in the last four elections and more than one in five (21.4 percent) who identified as Democrats. Eleven percent of the registrants were Hispanic.

“These are winning numbers that will help win #FourMoreYears for @realDonaldTrump!” Parscale wrote. “We continue to outperform 2016.”

Trump carried the state of Texas in 2016 with almost 4.7 million votes, compared to the less than 3.9 million garnered by his Democrat opponent, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Trump Crowds

Trump rallies are the most tangible demonstration of support for the president. The American Airlines Center was filled to capacity (some 20,000 people) with tens of thousands more gathered outside to watch the rally on a large screen. People had been lining up more than 24 hours before the rally started, campaign spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany documented in a video posted on Twitter on Oct. 16.
“This rally is amazing. Like, I have never seen anything like this before,” comedian Terrence Williams told Right Side Broadcasting Network.

Williams has been a bit of celebrity among Trump supporters for voicing conservative views on his YouTube channel, often eating fried chicken or slurping soda while offering humorous political or social commentary. This was the first time for him to attend a Trump rally.

“I mean, the energy is unbelievable,” he said. “Everybody is friendly.

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“I was told that people at the Trump rallies are dangerous, but I’ve been getting hugs all day. So the media have been lying. This is awesome.”

Rally Data

The relatively high percentage of Democrats among those signing up for the rally seems to be a continuation of a trend.
Parscale first started to post highlights from the registration data after a Sept. 16 rally in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. Clinton won the state by more than an 8 percent margin in 2016.
“@realDonaldTrump rally in NM was a data gold mine,” he said on Twitter.

Of the 45,000 who registered, 94 percent were from within the state and 78 percent were matched to voter files.

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More than one in five voted in one or none of the past four elections, and 40 percent were Hispanic, the data showed. Nearly one in three were Democrats.

A similar breakdown was posted by Parscale after the Oct. 10 rally in Minneapolis.

More than 42,000 voters were identified in the data, of whom 13 percent voted in none or one of the past four elections. Also, 30 percent were Democrats.

“This is a massive amount of data that will help our models improve to win Minnesota!” Parscale said.
Clinton won Minnesota by fewer than 45,000 votes.
Petr Svab
Petr Svab
Petr Svab is a reporter covering New York. Previously, he covered national topics including politics, economy, education, and law enforcement.
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