A federal judge appointed by President Barack Obama issued an order blocking Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from making arrests at Massachusetts courthouses.
U.S. District Judge Indira Talwani granted a preliminary injunction that orders ICE “from civilly arresting parties, witnesses, and others attending Massachusetts courthouses on official business while they are going to, attending, or leaving the courthouses.”
The injunction was granted amid a court battle launched by Suffolk District Attorney Rachael Rollins and Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan, who filed a lawsuit seeking to block the arrests at courthouses of those illegally in the country. ICE had asked the request for a preliminary injunction to be blocked.

In the 29-page ruling, Talwani said district attorneys have claimed that ICE has undermined their jobs and also clarified that the decision would not block ICE from arresting people brought to courthouses in the state while in state or federal custody.
The ruling was “in the public interest,” she added.
ICE told the Globe that it was reviewing the ruling and had no comment.
“I am upset at the notion that ICE thinks a courtroom is a place to go and pick up people,” Talwani said. “I see no reason for places of redress and justice to become places that people are afraid to show up.”

“Judge Talwani’s own statements call into question her impartiality, and suggest that she may have already made up her mind on the issue of ICE courthouse arrests. Simply put, she is against them, as the statements above would appear to indicate,” the group said.
Ryan, the prosecutor who joined the lawsuit, praised the ruling, issuing a statement that: “The granting of this injunction is a critical step in the right direction for our Commonwealth and it should be a model for our nation.”
Ryan and Rollins had brought criticism from President Donald Trump with the lawsuit.
Trump called into “The Adriana Cohen Show” in May to slam the prosecutors.

Trump then took aim at Rollins for saying “it would be my honor” to be arrested for assisting illegal immigrants in escaping from arrest by ICE agents.
“What they’ve done to young girls, what they’ve done to women, what they’ve done to others, is just horrible,” Trump said of MS-13 members. “So for her to be saying that—she’s got to live with it, she’s got to live with her own conscience.”
Newtown District Court Judge Shelley Richmond Joseph, 51, was charged with obstruction of justice.