Normalizing the Abnormal Has Consequences

Normalizing the Abnormal Has Consequences
People from the Walt Disney Company participate in the annual LA Pride Parade in West Hollywood, Calif., on June 9, 2019. (David Mcnew/AFP via Getty Images)
Mark Landsbaum

If you haven’t completely lost patience, you’re far more patient than I am. If you’re still sympathetic to degeneracy, you and I are at opposite ends of the empathy scale. That means that you deserve what’s happening. But because we’re literally all in this together, I and many others are grudgingly along for the ride.

Here’s a newsflash: People pretty much get what they deserve. That means that you’re going to get it. Sadly, as a co-inhabitant of this transformed land, so will I. Thanks a lot.

This latest skirmish in the culture war began when you normalized the abnormal. That’s when you lost the moral high ground to object. If you now try to object to what you’ve tacitly admitted is “just another lifestyle,” surprise, surprise, that makes you a bigot today. And just the other day, you considered yourself a moral person upholding God’s righteousness. Times change, eh?

That original failing led directly to innumerable other poisonous consequences: a changing culture, then changing laws to reflect the changed culture. Culture uses peer pressure to keep everyone in line. Laws use guns.

Perhaps you didn’t realize that once you’re no longer permitted to object, you must comply. Here’s another newsflash: If you don’t comply, you’re now a lawbreaker.

Police arrest street preacher Damon Atkins for speaking briefly at a Pride event in Reading, Pa., on June 3, 2023. (Courtesy of Matthew Wear)
Police arrest street preacher Damon Atkins for speaking briefly at a Pride event in Reading, Pa., on June 3, 2023. (Courtesy of Matthew Wear)
This is how so many corporations have gone over to the dark side. Even “Christian” companies, such as Chick-fil-A. Even “conservative” companies such as Fox. Even the teams playing the national pastime, such as the Dodgers.
Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner previewed the next stage of surrender: “Here at Fox, [and] other corporations, there will be things they’re going to have to change because the state of NY requires it.”

Now, it’s toe the line or off to the gulags for you. The “woke” nation’s speech and thought police are deputized to work hand-and-hand with the weaponized FBI. Watch your mouth. They’re making a list. You may already be on it.

Spare me your complaints.

I have no patience or sympathy for anyone who didn’t raise hell at every step of five decades of the “transformation of America” that led to this. That includes everyone who said that “tolerating homosexuality is harmless,” “encouraging sin won’t affect us,” and my least favorite excuse for standing by and doing nothing: “I don’t care what consenting adults want to do in the privacy of their bedrooms.”

Not caring was the original sin. It was the starter’s pistol that kicked off this marathon of madness with a bang. Don’t care? That perfectly explains why you didn’t do anything to fix it. You don’t care.

But if unrepentant sin doesn’t break your heart, your heart is far too indifferent. That’s what led to this. That was the first surrender. “Oh, we don’t care. That’s not our business.” That’s what normalized sin in the culture.

Now, it’s everyone’s business. Did you really think they were going to stop at the bedroom door?

A person holds a sign at a demonstration outside of Glendale Unified’s board meeting, where the school board voted unanimously to proclaim June 2023 as “LGBT Pride Month” in Glendale, Calif., on June 6, 2023. (Micaela Ricaforte/The Epoch Times)
A person holds a sign at a demonstration outside of Glendale Unified’s board meeting, where the school board voted unanimously to proclaim June 2023 as “LGBT Pride Month” in Glendale, Calif., on June 6, 2023. (Micaela Ricaforte/The Epoch Times)

A nation of fools. Played like a fiddle.

People pretty much get the government they deserve, but before that happens, they pretty much get the culture they deserve.

So why is anyone surprised today? But they are. Some of the oblivious and spineless are finally moved to complain about tranny swimsuits for children at Target and crossdressing faux “nuns” who mock Jesus Christ. Well, those ships sailed decades ago. It’s just now that the whole armada is beginning to arrive in every port o’ call.

Everyone who was silent or worse, who encouraged or accommodated decades of moral surrender and compromise, deserves all the grief on board. Thanks again. Yeah, that was sarcasm.

Somewhere along the line, too many of those people who considered themselves to be moral and upholding of God’s righteousness, missed His command:

“Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.” (Ephesians 5:11)

Don’t point to the crossdressing blasphemers as the cause of your pain today. Degenerates are going to be degenerates. Especially, when they get a big green light from self-righteous moralizers assuring them that they don’t care. Hmm, it must be OK.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Mark Landsbaum is a Christian retired journalist, former investigative reporter, editorial writer, and columnist. He also is a husband, father, grandfather, and Dodgers fan.
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