Nick Jonas Reveals How He Met Priyanka Chopra

Sarah Le

Singer Nick Jonas of the “Jonas Brothers” and Indian actress Priyanka Chopra have said that they knew each other prior to what seemed like a whirlwind romance, but how did they actually meet?

Twenty-five-year-old Jonas appeared on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” on Sept. 7 and talked about his relationship with 36-year-old Chopra. It’s officially lasted around five months, but they’re already engaged.

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“We met through a friend, so we got connected first over text,” said Jonas. “We started talking for a while, and it was about six months before we met up in person.”

Then they attended the Met Gala together in May 2017, spurring rumors about whether they might be interested in each other.

However, Jonas said their relationship was purely platonic at the time.

“Our lives were kind of taking us different places,” he said. “People would ask us, both in an interview setting and private, ‘Are you guys seeing each other,’ and the answer was, ‘No.’”

However, things changed over the course of the next year. The rumors did not go away, and the couple’s fondness for each other appeared to grow.

“People thought we were being coy,” he said. “Now we’re engaged, so the story sort of wrote itself.”

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Jonas said they decided less than half a year ago to start dating seriously, and “it was kind of immediate.”

“We just knew it was right and jumped right in,” he said.

“That’s fantastic,” said Fallon.

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Fallon and Jonas also talked about the couple’s engagement ceremony in India, and how both sides of the family were supportive of this big step in their lives.

The couple has posted beautiful photos online of the touching “roka ceremony” in August.

“The only way to do this ... with Family and God,” wrote Chopra in an Instagram post about the event. “Thank you all for your wishes and blessings.”

Sarah Le
Sarah Le
Sarah Le is an editor for The Epoch Times in Southern California. She lives with her husband and two children in Los Angeles.
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