The newly appointed special counsel to oversee probes related to former President Donald Trump is a “left wing hatchet man” in pursuit of a “witch hunt,” according to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
Attorney General Merrick Garland’s pick for the role is Jack Smith, a registered independent and a veteran federal prosecutor who most recently served as the chief prosecutor of the special court in The Hague.

While proponents of the move have applauded Smith’s appointment, pointing to his long career fighting corruption, Gingrich, an Epoch Times contributor, does not agree.
“This guy is not an independent counsel. He’s a left wing hatchet man,” he said in an interview, describing Garland’s choice as “outrageous.”
“I think the Justice Department figured out that when Trump announced for president that they couldn’t just continue the normal process, because they have always avoided prosecuting candidates,” he said.

“But what they’re doing is it absurd,” he added.
“Most Americans will rapidly figure out this is one more example of the kind of witch hunt that has been dealing with the whole process of the Trump candidacy, starting in 2015.”
While Smith, in a statement, pledged to carry out the investigations “independently and in the best traditions of the Department of Justice,” Gingrich remains skeptical, citing Smith’s record working under the Obama administration.
During the five years serving as the Justice Department’s public integrity chief from 2010, Smith oversaw the conviction of former Virginia Governor, Republican Bob McDonnell, on bribery and extortion charges. The Supreme Court later unanimously reversed the conviction, ruling that the government’s “boundless interpretation of the federal bribery statute” was unconstitutional.
Selective Prosecution
Gingrich also pointed to the absence of similar treatment to Democrat politicians, such as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who used a private email server for government business, and the president’s son Hunter Biden, whose foreign business dealings are set to be a top focus of a new Republican House from January.“I think that it is strange that they can find one more excuse to go after Donald Trump even though he keeps getting found innocent, but neither Hillary Clinton nor Hunter Biden have gotten independent counsel, and it tells you how corrupted the system is,” Gingrich said.

Trump’s Reaction
Gingrich was at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort when the news of the special counsel appointment came out. Trump, he said, seemed “very balanced,” “positive, and cheerful.”“He knew what they were doing. He’s been through this now for six years,” he said.

“By the time they get turned over the house will have a Republican leadership,” said Gingrich. “The House Republicans are going to emphasize investigating Hunter Biden a lot more than investigating Donald Trump, and I think that a lot of Republicans feel that this whole thing has been a witch hunt.”
While prosecutions can have the effect of wearing people down, whether or not it will hurt Trump ultimately comes down to the substance of allegations, the former speaker said.
He compared Trump’s experience with that of Israel’s newly elected prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who suffered a defeat last July before winning a sixth term this month.
“It’s an all-time record,” said Gingrich. “And Netanyahu has been through these kinds of fights over and over again. People look at it and decide it’s all political, and they keep moving.”
It’s the same for Trump, he said. “They attacked him for the Russian hoax, the Ukrainian phone call, and you go down the list. It’s amazing how many things that they attacked him for that turned out not to be true.”
The Justice Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.