New Democrat Coalition Releases Economic Agenda to Ease ‘Burdens on American People’

New Democrat Coalition Releases Economic Agenda to Ease ‘Burdens on American People’
The U.S. Capitol in Washington on July 6, 2023. Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times
Jackson Richman
Joseph Lord

The New Democrat Coalition, the second-largest congressional Democrat caucus, released its economic agenda on July 18.

The coalition, composed of liberal and centrist Democrats who take a pro-business and moderate stance on economics, released the text of a new plan that they said would “[outline] the next steps necessary to further ease the economic burdens on the American people.”

It tied the proposal to ongoing price rises, saying that despite a substantial decrease in the level of inflation compared to the previous year, “there is still more work to be done.”

The plan outlines steps to strengthen and solidify U.S. control of global supply chains—particularly in the Indo-Pacific—proposing that the United States “leverage diplomatic, economic, and trade leadership to expand market access for U.S. goods, reduce costs for U.S. consumers, work with our allies to address the abuses of non-market economies, and ensure the U.S. writes the rules for the global economy of the future.”

The proposal says that this would assist in bringing down costs for Americans.

Additionally, it calls for “trade policies to support American workers and lead the global economy,” specifically through the pursuit of reduced tariffs and new trade agreements with “nations that share our values,” including the UK, Kenya, and Taiwan.

The proposal also includes recommendations that the coalition says will “get more people back to work.”

This includes funding, modernizing, and using innovative approaches to workforce development, high-quality job training to get more workers into in-demand fields and addressing workforce needs through skills training.

The members of the coalition endorsed the passage of several pending bills that would assist in growing STEM fields, increasing the availability of U.S. nurses and doctors, and expanding apprenticeship programs.

Moreover, they called for an end to noncompete agreements—usually signed between an outgoing employee and their employer promising not to compete in a certain geographical area or industry.

The plan also suggests that occupational licensing regulations be eased.

On immigration, it suggests that bipartisan reform that secures the border, changes the immigration court system, updates the asylum process, and provides legal protections and a “pathway to citizenship for Dreamers” could assist in kindling U.S. economic activity.

The coalition wants expanded access to paid family medical leave and dependent care, including children and disabled adults, “so that more parents and caretakers can maintain financial security and remain in the workforce.”

It will also push for increasing affordable housing through abolishing “discriminatory zoning policies,” strengthening the Low Income Housing Tax Credit, and having public-private partnerships deal with any shortage of materials due to supply chain issues.

In addition, it will prioritize “funding for projects that coordinate housing and infrastructure planning and development, including transit-oriented development programs,” thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law of 2021.

The agenda calls for a Farm Bill to be passed so that the price of food can go down.

Currently, Congress is working on passing a Farm Bill, which must be passed every five years. It sets the policy on food for those on welfare.

The legislation should, said the coalition, help produce more food in America, lower prices, increase market competition, empower farmers and rural communities, promote climate-smart practices, and suspend “trade barriers that limit the supply of food.”

The plan additionally calls for there to be a Child Tax Credit in order to financially help families lower healthcare costs, expand healthcare coverage,  and fix the Medicaid gap. A $35 cap on insulin has also been mooted.

In response to a question by The Epoch Times during a press conference about the agenda, Rep. Annie Kuster (D-N.H.), the coalition’s chairwoman, said her group is talking to the White House about it “on a regular basis.”

Additionally, the coalition has been in daily contact with the Congressional Progressive Caucus, of which coalition member Rep. Nikema Williams (D-Ga.) is also a member.

Ms. Kuster also said that her coalition looks to work with Republicans on issues everyday Americans care about.

“We work across the aisle and what we’ve said over and over if anything is going to get done this Congress it’s going to be with New Dems at the table working across the aisle,” she said.

“So, I’m not giving up on that. There are bills in here about housing, about childcare, about job training. You know, I have the bill to give companies tax credits for job training with community colleges, that type of thing,” continued Ms. Kuster.

“So we’re always going to keep looking for those opportunities.

“And we don’t have the trifecta [control of the House, Senate, and White House], but I do point out to people, we have the Democrats in the House, the Democrats in the Senate that are in control, the reasonable Republicans in the Senate, and the reasonable Republicans here [in the House].”

Jackson Richman is a Washington correspondent for The Epoch Times. In addition to Washington politics, he covers the intersection of politics and sports/sports and culture. He previously was a writer at Mediaite and Washington correspondent at Jewish News Syndicate. His writing has also appeared in The Washington Examiner. He is an alum of George Washington University.
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