A Nevada judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by President Donald Trump’s campaign in the state that seeks to throw out tens of thousands of votes.
Russell also wrote that the campaign did not prove “that the electronic voting machines malfunctioned in a manner sufficient to raise reasonable doubt” over the election outcome. The campaign also “did not prove that ’the election board or any member thereof was guilty of malfeasance,'” he wrote.
The judge also wrote that the campaign “did not prove that ’the defendant or any person acting, either directly or indirectly, on behalf of the defendant was given, or offered to give, to any person anything of value for the purpose of manipulating or altering the outcome of the election.”
He also ordered Trump campaign lawyers to pay the defendants’ legal fees.
“We disagree with the order,” Amanda Millius, spokesperson for Jesse Binnall, a lawyer on the Trump legal team, said in an emailed statement.
“The case and evidence we presented was compelling and overwhelming. We will be appealing to the Nevada Supreme Court.”

The Trump campaign had alleged that voting irregularities and fraud was to a level that would raise doubts about the outcome of the election in Nevada, where Biden’s margin of victory is 33,596 recorded votes, or 2.4 percent.
They also submitted evidence that claims to show nearly 8,000 ballots cast “by voters with addresses that are physically non-existent,” and approximately 15,000 voters who were “registered to vacant or commercial properties that cast ballots,” according to the Nevada GOP.
The Nevada GOP shared a report (pdf) from a data science and analysis expert on its website for public access on Dec. 3. The report alleges the abovementioned numbers showing voting irregularities. Trump’s legal team said in the filing that the expert’s conclusions “will demonstrate fraudulent and improper voting in Nevada in an amount exceeding” Biden’s margin of victory.“That means in the dead of night, votes would appear or disappear on these voting machines during early voting and Election Day.”