Netflix Drops Kevin Spacey After Allegations of Sexual Misconduct

Netflix Drops Kevin Spacey After Allegations of Sexual Misconduct
This image released by Netflix is Kevin Spacey as U.S. Congressman Frank Underwood in a scene from the Netflix original series, "House of Cards." (Melinda Sue Gordon/AP Photo/Netflix)
John Smithies
Netflix has dropped Kevin Spacey following allegations of sexual harassment against the “House of Cards” star.
The streaming service has also scrapped a Gore Vidal biopic starring Spacey, which it was going to release.
“Netflix will not be involved with any further production of ‘House of Cards’, that includes Kevin Spacey,” the company said in a statement Friday, Nov. 3. “We have also decided we will not be moving forward with the release of the film ‘Gore,’ which was in postproduction, starring and produced by Kevin Spacey.”
Eight “House of Cards” employees spoke to CNN about Spacey’s behavior on set. More than one said that Spacey touched them inappropriately.
A production assistant told CNN: “I have no doubt that this type of predatory behavior was routine for him, and that my experience was one of many, and that Kevin had few if any qualms about exploiting his status and position.”
"Star Trek: Discovery" star Anthony Rapp has accused Kevin Spacey of inappropriate sexual behavior. (Mike Coppola/Getty Images)
"Star Trek: Discovery" star Anthony Rapp has accused Kevin Spacey of inappropriate sexual behavior. (Mike Coppola/Getty Images)
“Star Trek: Discovery” actor Anthony Rapp described an encounter with Spacey in 1986 when Rapp was 14 years old. He said Spacey lay on top of him on a bed at a party in his Manhattan apartment.
“I still to this day can’t wrap my head around so many aspects of it. It’s just deeply confusing to me,” Rapp told BuzzFeed News.
The Mexican actor Roberto Cavazos said there were many young men who had a “Kevin Spacey story.” He performed at London’s Old Vic Theatre, where Spacey was artistic director from 2004 to 2015.
“It seems the only requirement was to be a male under the age of 30 for Mr. Spacey to feel free to touch us,” he wrote in a Facebook post. “It was so common that it became a local joke (of very bad taste).”
In all, at least 14 people have described sexual misconduct by Spacey, with police now investigating some of the incidents.
Following the allegations, TV and film studio Media Rights Capital confirmed they had suspended Spacey from “House of Cards.”
“We are deeply troubled to learn about these new allegations that are being made to the press concerning Kevin Spacey’s interaction with members of the crew of ‘House of Cards,’” the company said in a statement.
Production of the sixth season of “House of Cards” was suspended indefinitely on Oct. 31, with the future of the show uncertain.