WASHINGTON—MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell spoke with encouragement before a crowd in Washington protesting election fraud, saying that although there was corruption, there was also the exposing of corruption and the chance for “the greatest revival in history for one nation under God.”
Thousands gathered to join marches and rallies in Washington on Dec. 12, petitioning the government for fair elections and transparent counting. Similar grassroots protests took place every Saturday since the general election in capitals across the 50 states.
Afterward, in an interview, he added “this is the most important thing in our history right now.”Lindell said President Donald Trump got so many votes on Election Night that compromised software alone wouldn’t have been able to steal the election, leading to what the country saw with the ballot dumps and that “it’s all going to be exposed.” Had citizens not voted for the president by such a wide margin, the level of fraud and corruption would not have been exposed, Lindell explained.
“We’ve got to stand up, we can’t live in fear anymore, this is it,” Lindell said. Lindell, a vocal Trump supporter, has faced his share of censorship from media and social media himself. “This is what needs to be done, all that’s being done, the media and how horrible they are, we need to get the word out today, this fraud was real, that’s why they’re blocking it.”
Lindell said what is happening in America is a spiritual battle and called on judges, legislators, and others to stop living in fear and cowardice of the evil.
“We’re in a spiritual battle, this country ... They wanted us to not keep the faith,” he said. “It’s just begun, I tell you. This is the opportunity of a lifetime, of generations to come, what’s going to happen with this getting exposed so we have fair elections and we have our great president for four more years.”
“The whole world wants Donald Trump except for China, Russia, and Iran. The whole world is watching, this is it. This is going to bring us hope today,” he said.
Lindell isn’t worried that Texas’s lawsuit against four other states wasn’t heard by the Supreme Court, he says there are many other lawsuits that will expose more fraud.
“The whole world’s going to see it,” he said. “We’re on the right side and when you’re on the right side you have nothing to fear, and we’re not giving up ever.”