Musical Director Inspired by the Choreography at Shen Yun

Musical Director Inspired by the Choreography at Shen Yun
Ayelet Raymond attended Shen Yun's evening performance at New Jersey Performing Arts Center in Newark, N.J., on April 29, 2018. NTD Television
Epoch Times Staff

“It is the first time to be introduced to the amazing musical production—Shen Yun.”

“I am definitely a fan of the culturally, unique, musical show. ... I think it gives me a lot of education about the Chinese culture.”

“It was a very special combination [Chinese and Western instruments] to see. ... It actually blended really good. I was surprised.”

“The soprano singer was above and beyond [with such an] incredible voice.”

“[The lyrics of the song] definitely had a positive message. It was very emotional. And the other part I wouldn’t forget, how he [the emcee] said, I love Shen Yun. It is like, ‘Wo Ai Shen Yun.’”

“The body language [of the dancers] was incredible.”

“I can appreciate the [artistic] director and the choreographer for the dancers, how you [Shen Yun] connected to the screen [digital backdrop] in real time moments.”

“If I ever had a musical show, I would definitely get inspired to use some elements [from Shen Yun].”


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