Mumps Outbreak From Restaurant in Toronto

Mumps unexpectedly attacked Toronto with nine confirmed cases since July 20, all connected to Ki Restaurant downtown.
Mumps Outbreak From Restaurant in Toronto

Mumps unexpectedly attacked Toronto with nine confirmed cases since July 20, all connected to Ki Restaurant downtown.

Ki Restaurant is located at 181 Bay Street. Diners who ate there between July 7 and July 22 may have been exposed to mumps, notes a release from Toronto Public Health.

Diners of Ki Restaurant from that time period should be on the lookout for any symptoms, such as swelling and pain in the sides of their cheeks and jaw, headaches, muscle aches and pains, loss of appetite, fever, and/or fatigue.

Symptoms can surface any time from now until August 17.

While the risk is low, there are rare incidences of deadly complications from mumps, such as meningitis.

Mumps are most commonly spread through the saliva and breath of an infected individual, such as from sharing drinks, food, kissing, coughing, sneezing, and even talking.

People born before 1970 are usually immune.

A mumps fact sheet is available on the website of Toronto Public Health.

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