A viral video without any context posted on Sunday alleged that a border fence section was blown down by Hurricane Hanna in Texas, but U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials said that the incident was captured before that.
The video was posted on Twitter over the weekend before it was deleted.
Roderick Kise, a spokesman for the Border Patrol department in the Rio Grande Valley, told the Corpus Christi Caller-Times that he’s received a number of phone calls about the alleged incident.
The Twitter post was originally attributed to a user named Yadith Valdez. “And so, ‘Hanna’ knocked down part of the border wall that is being built between the United States and Mexico,” the post said. “For the fury of nature, there are no borders.”
The National Hurricane Center said Hurricane Hanna made landfall along with Texas Gulf Coast on Saturday, prompting Gov. Greg Abbott to declare an emergency.