Milius pointed out that something is happening that might cause us to lose our freedoms if we don’t act now, “We’re in the water [that] is already hot, like we’re already boiling.”
“We don’t have a justice system. We don’t have an intelligence community that works for us. They work against us and they just punish us if we have the wrong ideas, and scare people and operate on fear like the secret police that they are.”
The documentary was based on the bestselling book of the same title by Lee Smith, an investigative journalist and a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute.

“The President and this administration was an injection of something new. So of course, [the corrupt industries] were going to resist this. And of course, every single institution would turn against us, every single agency that we went to work in would hate us, and would think that we were against the mission of the agency, when actually we were probably the best thing for the mission of the agency, in its original sense.”
Before starting the film, Milius worked for the Trump Administration at both the Department of State and the White House. She has first-hand experience of what it’s like working in government institutions.
Twitter suspended the official account for the film last Thursday, but did not provide a specific reason except that it violated the platform’s rules. The Twitter suspension was reversed the next day.
“It was very weird because there was no warning,” Milius complained about Twitter’s suspension. “And the moment we allow things like that to happen is when we all go down the drain. And I think that’s just ridiculous.”
“[The media is] pretending that they didn’t just engulf the country in a fake story for four years. Which is amazing,” Milius criticized the media in her interview. “It’s a very dark day for America, it’s basically like being bombed by our own aircraft carriers. That’s what happened.”
However, Milius still expressed optimism and encouraged “every person has the obligation to tell the truth and tell it loudly,” she continued, “because that’s how a movement starts.”