GOP Senators: Hunter Biden Had Even More Ties to China, Kremlin

GOP Senators: Hunter Biden Had Even More Ties to China, Kremlin
Then-vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden attend an NCAA basketball game between Georgetown University and Duke University in Washington on Jan. 30, 2010. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)

Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) on Wednesday released more details about Democratic presidential challenger Joe Biden’s son’s overseas business deals, along with alleged links to foreign individuals who have ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and Moscow.

According to a news release from the two GOP senators, the new information cites new records that purport to show that the Biden family had even more connections to the Chinese regime as well as links between associates of Hunter Biden and the Russian government.

“Some of the additional findings from their investigation include millions of dollars sent from a Shanghai-based company with links to CEFC, which was effectively an extension of the communist Chinese government, to a close business associate of Hunter Biden,” they said. CEFC is a firm founded by billionaire Ye Jianming, who is believed to have ties with the CCP.
They cited a Fox News interview with a former Biden family business associate, Tony Bobulinski—the CEO of a former joint venture between James Biden, Hunter Biden, and two others. Bobulinski last month claimed that the former vice president and his family “are compromised“ by China, adding: ”Obviously, I’ve referenced I’ve held a Q-clearance—you’re briefed on compromise and who you’re able to talk with and deal and do business with—and I just don’t see, given the history here and the facts, how Joe can’t be influenced in some manner based on the history that they have with CEFC.”
Meanwhile, in their supplemental report (pdf), the two Republican senators made note that in February 2017 and in March 2017, a “Shanghai-based company called State Energy HK Limited sent two wires, each in the amount of $3,000,000, to a bank account for Robinson Walker LLC” while records noted that “it is unclear what the true purpose is behind these transactions and who the ultimate beneficiary is.” Robinson Walker LLC is operated by Rob Walker, a longtime associate of Hunter Biden.

The two senators said Walker appears to have been associated with three Hunter Biden-linked firms, including Oldaker, Biden and Belair LLP; Seneca Global Advisors; and Rosemont Seneca Advisors. Hunter Biden was a founding partner at Oldaker and also allegedly had an ownership stake in Seneca.

“These transactions are a direct link between Walker and the communist Chinese government and, because of his close association with Hunter Biden, yet another tie between Hunter Biden’s financial arrangements and the communist Chinese government,” the senators wrote.

Joe Biden has repeatedly denied he had knowledge about Hunter Biden’s business deals, with the Biden campaign disputing reporting that claimed he, his son, and a Ukrainian gas company associate had a meeting in Washington D.C. several years ago. During the final presidential debate, Biden also said that “nothing was unethical” when Hunter sat on the board of the gas company, Burisma Holdings.

Tony Bobulinski, who says he was an associate of Hunter Biden, speaks to reporters at a hotel in Nashville, Tenn., on Oct. 22, 2020. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images)
Tony Bobulinski, who says he was an associate of Hunter Biden, speaks to reporters at a hotel in Nashville, Tenn., on Oct. 22, 2020. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images)

Meanwhile, Grassley and Johnson said they also found records produced by Bobulinski, dated May 15, 2017, that included plans for CEFC in Oman, Romania, Colombia, and Luxembourg, among other countries. That document, in reference to the plans in Oman, showed that Hunter Biden “was key in relationship set up, messaging the good will around the chairman [Ye Jianming] and the non-conflict status of CEFC entry, ‘a bridge between two great nations.'”

The document also suggested that Hunter was allegedly responsible for “writing to all parties and organizing meetings to continue CEFC promote [sic], as well as approving step-by-step strategic and operational elements,” according to their report.

According to Grassley and Johnson, Ye Jianming also had business dealings with Kremlin-controlled firms and Kremlin-aligned businesses, suggesting that he “appears to have been China’s unofficial bridge to Russia on energy.” In one text message, Hunter Biden allegedly told Bobulinski in October 2017 that he discussed a deal with Russian state-backed Rosneft with Ye personally and had knowledge of the deal.

The former vice president’s son also allegedly told Bobulinski that he spoke to Ye on a “regular basis“ and have a ”standing once a week call.“ Ye was also “first guest in his new apartment,” “he cooked me lunch himself and we ate in the kitchen together,” and was helping Ye “on a number of his personal issues (staff visas and some more sensitive things),” according to the Hunter Biden text cited by Grassley and Johnson.

The two senators said the new document confirms connections between Biden’s family and the CCP. Their supplemental also includes screenshots of what appears to be CEFC data and text messages that were produced by Bobulinski.

Biden’s team has not responded to a request for comment about the latest developments. The Epoch Times also reached out to Hunter Biden’s lawyer for comment.

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