The swift and widespread deplatforming of President Donald Trump has broader, global consequences, forcing other countries to assess their communication channels for potential risks to national security, experts say.

Mosher said the companies are “grossly underestimating” the number of people in and out of governments overseas who support Trump.
“It will spark a massive move off of their platforms to other existing and new platforms that will be created,” Mosher told The Epoch Times. “In fact, a few years down the road, we may well be talking about how they destroyed their own business model. This move will cost them and their shareholders tens of billions of dollars.”
“It is curious why, then, have other high-profile accounts, which have much more directly called for violence in the recent past, not been de-platformed in the same way,” Tomaschek told The Epoch Times, pointing to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khamenei.
Targeted Censorship
While it’s unlikely social media companies such as Facebook and Twitter will ban foreign leaders any time soon, which would create more negative media attention, the recent moves against Trump “demonstrate that they have the power to do so,” said Andrew Selepak, social media professor at the University of Florida.“Right-leaning politicians in other countries should be the most concerned that these platforms appear to be targeting individuals and politicians that are conservative or promote right-wing ideologies,” Selepak told The Epoch Times.
Big Tech’s censorship of Trump could be used as justification for some countries to potentially ban Twitter and Facebook, said Selepak, who noted that many want to create their own Silicon Valley.
Other countries—particularly those with more authoritarian governments—could make similar censorship moves such as creating their own “nationalistic social media in parts of the world” that thwart open communication, said Selepak.
With a likely Democrat-controlled White House and Congress, it is unlikely action will be taken to change Section 230. While the act’s legislation is outdated, politicians have provided few alternatives to the law, Selepak said.
“Instead, politicians have relinquished their authority to the big tech companies to allow them to decide how social media will be monitored and policed,” Selepak said.
“Wouldn’t that have been smarter, fairer, less dangerous to free speech and better for Twitter’s stock value?” Mauro told The Epoch Times. “Cancel culture and censorship contributes mightily to the radicalization that Twitter says it wants to combat.”
According to Mauro, one of the important factors in radicalization is echo chambers where the like-minded can meet, plot, and reinforce their alternate realities. It is better for extremists or those who could be influenced by extremism to be in a forum where their ideas can be challenged, and to be exposed to information that can de-radicalize them.
“There’s a strong argument for destroying the ability of designated terrorist groups like ISIS to communicate via social media, but those are targeted actions,” Mauro said. “This measure is broad and sets a dangerous precedent.”
Los Angeles-based constitutional attorney Robert Barnes said no country should allow social media platforms to censor speech within their borders, especially speech by its elected officials.
“Creating alternative platforms will be critical, both in the U.S. and abroad,” Barnes told The Epoch Times.
“Twitter will likely face a securities class action because their conduct can be considered fraud on the market costing shareholders $4B in value,” he said.
Barnes said it is “long overdue” for the United States to amend Section 230 to make protecting First Amendment activities a condition for the immunity of social media monopolies.