Military Doctor Reveals Details of CCP Central Military Commission Conference on Falun Gong

Military Doctor Reveals Details of CCP Central Military Commission Conference on Falun Gong
Members of the local Chinese community enact the abuse by Chinese police of a practitioner of Falun Gong,12 September, 2005 in Mexico City. Juan Barreto/AFP/Getty Images

The following material is provided by a senior military doctor from Shenyang who has previously provided information on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners.

Recently in Beijing, the (CCP) concluded a secret conference titled, “Chinese Communist Party Military Commission Meeting on How to Treat Religions with Overseas Implications.” Lieutenant Generals, the heads of the General Logistics Department, then passed on to all local military organizations the conclusions from this meeting.

The conference concluded with the following three directives:

1. Further closing down Falun Gong’s information channels, and strengthening the security system

This refers to the information breaches related to Special Military Control Areas (i.e. concentration camps). The authorities aim to seal off all related information channels so as to reduce pressure from the international community. The conference also specifically discussed and criticized Ms. Wang’s protest during Hu Jintao’s US visit, and emphasized the importance of maintaining information secrecy and security. The conference reemphasized that information on the Special Military Control Areas is classified and the state’s top secret, and reinforced the idea that those who leak such information will receive severe punishments.

2. Treating dedicated religious followers with potential overseas connections the same as Falun Gong

At this conference it is announced for the first time that those ardent Christian, Catholic, Islamic, and Orthodox followers outside the government control will be treated the same way as Falun Gong followers. The meeting announced a severe attack on overseas religious groups and severe punishment for those who do not follow prescribed rules but insist on regrouping after being repeatedly disbanded.

3. Extending attacks on organizations with overseas connections and extending the definition of Falun Gong

With the increasing international and politicized nature of overseas Falun Gong organizations, the conference mandated support from related government agencies, and decided to treat Falun Gong supporters the same way as Falun Gong followers. This way, Falun Gong will be isolated.

Since 1999, there have been six similar conferences, each followed by internal purges and intensified persecution, sparing not even military personnel, medical staff, and the armed police force. Another storm is coming.

I may not have much time left, and there will not be many opportunities for me to send out information. This could be the last time I send information to you. How I hope to see China’s democratic renewal while I am still alive!

--- A a senior military doctor from Shenyang

A Veteran Military Doctor in Shenyang
A Veteran Military Doctor in Shenyang