JEFFERSON CITY—Lynn McGraw says it’s not that Donald Trump had the election stolen from him, it’s Americans that have had the election stolen from them.
“[Joe Biden] is not president, they have to get all those things worked out. When everything gets worked out, the legalities ... the whole nine yards, they’ve got to get it all figured out,” McGraw said at a Stop the Steal rally in Jefferson City, Missouri on Nov. 14, 2020. “I think it’s propaganda, I don’t consider it news.”
“What really got me was when I remember Obama ran he had a tremendous number of people gathered at his rallies. I was on the other side. And when he won, it was like, okay I’m going to pray for President Obama because he was obviously the people’s choice. On the opposite end of the spectrum, President Trump had millions of people at his rallies, it was obvious. How can Mr. Biden get more votes than President Obama?” McGraw said. “The cheat is obvious and makes me sad, it really does.”

Amanda Konrad joined the rally to show her support for President Trump.
“The mainstream media, it just puts an anger in my heart sometimes to listen to because I know we’re being lied to,” she said. She’s been looking to multiple media sources in the four years the president has been in office. “I think no matter who is in office the media should be supporting them and showing the people what it looks like ... the truth needs to be told, absolutely.”
“I know there is a lot of divide in our country and that does sadden me, and I don’t want to see any hate and I don’t want to see anyone get hurt. I don’t know what the answer is to unify that, but I do believe that President Trump has the power to help unify this country,” Konrad said.